• 斯密士     【斯密读英语晚读】EP109 施瓦辛格说了这句话,最后他当了州长

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    If You Can See It,You Can Be It

    Arnold Schwarzenegger was not that famous in 1976 when he met with a newspaper reporter.
    The reporter asked Schwarzenegger, “ Now you've retired from bodybuilding, what do you plan to do next?”
    Schwarzenegger answered very calmly and confidently, I’m going to be the No. 1 movie star in Hollywood."
    The reporter was shocked and amused at Schwarzenegger's plan. At that time, it was very hard to imagine how this muscle-bound bodybuilder, who was not a professional actor and who spoke poor English with a strong American Austrian accent, could ever hope to be Hollywood's No.1 movie star.

    So the reporter asked Schwarzenegger how he planned to make his dream come true, Schwarzenegger said, “I'll do it the same way I became the No. I bodybuilder in the world. What I do is to create a vision of whom I want to be, and then I start living like that person in my mind as if it were already true.” Sounds almost childishly simple, doesn't it? But it worked! Schwarzenegger did become the No.1 highest-paid movie star in Hollywood!
    所以,当记者问施瓦辛格如何打算使梦想成真时,施瓦辛格说:“我会像当初成为世界头号健美运动员那样去做。我要做的就是创造一个自己想做的那个人的形象,然后像我心里想的那个人 那样开始生活。”听起来是不是很幼稚很简单?但起作用了!施瓦辛格真的成为好莱坞片酬第一的电影明星!
    So remember: If you can see it, you can be it.



    1970-01-01   6赞       0踩       14浏览 评论(0)
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