• 斯密士     【斯密读英语晚读】EP111 阿哥与格格们的最爱,没吃饭的慎点(1)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    Traditional Beijing Noodles—Hey,welcome!

    In Northern China, people tend to make food by flour as the staple food, such as steamed rolls, buns, pancakes, noodles and so on. By contrast, people are more likely to eat rice in Southern China. Noodles imply “long life”, therefore, there is a custom in Northern China that as long as someone observes his/her birthday, the family members will cook a bowl of noodles for the longevity god, wishing him/her everlasting health. There is another popular saying that “eat dumplings arriving and noodles when departing”, which means that we eat dumplings to celebrate the reunion while we eat noodles before we see them off. People tend to believe that long noodles are just like lines reminding those who prepare to leave to come back earlier. It’s an aspiration to meet again as early as possible.
    In daily life, Beijingers seem to be more fond of noodles.When people talk of Traditional Beijing Noodles (referred to“the Noodles”below), they say they will never get tired of eating it. In the past, only the dilapidated nobility can eat the Noodles. But nowadays, despite of social status, people can go to the restaurant to order it at any time they want, not only for the atmosphere but more for good taste. You can order some local side dishes such as fried sausage and cool cabbage with wasabi in pier shape, then two seasonal dishes, and finally the Noodles. How indescribably comfortable!

    Until now, you can still see in the warren in small lanes called hutong in Beijing inner city that neighbors in communities nearby gather together during meal time holding the Noodles bowl with one cucumber in it. Squatting down in the courtyard or door opening, they are chatting and playing chess while having a bite.
    This is common but warm, which tells people’s eating habits and also records the neighborhood life. In such a metropolitan as Beijing, what matters is not a bowl of hot noodles, but also the mutual companionship and the warm heart caring others behind.


    1970-01-01   1赞       0踩       28浏览 评论(0)
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