• 柯柯魔     柯柯魔带你了解美国第一夫人做什么?

    • All right we're back with the first lady of the United States.

    • 好吧,今晚我们又跟美国的第一夫人见面了。

    • from:《艾伦秀米歇尔奥巴马 热舞》


    The First Lady of the United States of America is wife of the President of the US. They don't have an official role, but they often do many things. In the past, they were the hostesses of the White House, making sure everything in the White House was in order. These days, they serve as social activists. For example, Michelle Obama is using her role to try to get people to exercise.

    美国的第一夫人是美国总统的太太。她们没有正式责任,但是她们常常是白宫的主妇。她们也支持总统。现代她们也是社会活动者。比如,Michelle Obama是一个运动的社会活动者。

    别的有名的第一妇女包括Jackie Kennedy, Eleanor Roosevelt, Lady Bird Johnson, Hilary Clinton。

    1970-01-01   25赞       1踩       557浏览 评论(14)
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