• Heidi_Jas     倾听-8分46秒造成的痛苦

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    早上看到的一则新闻,经历了8分46秒痛苦死去的George Floyd昨天安息了,但活着的人们还远远不能平静。他的弟弟在众议院司法听证会作了发言,以下是发言全稿和翻译。

    Chairman Jerold Nadler and members of the committee, thank you for the invitation to be here today to talk about my big brother, George. The world knows him as George, but I called him Perry.

    Jerold Nadler主席和委员会的成员们,谢谢你们让我到这里来谈谈我的大哥乔治。全世界都知道他叫乔治,但我习惯叫他佩里。

    Yesterday, we laid him to rest. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I'm the big brother now. So it's my job to comfort our brothers and sisters, Perry's kids, and everyone who loved him. And that's a lot of people.


    I have to be the strong one now, because George is gone.


    And me being the big brother now is why I'm here today. To do what Perry always would have done – to take care of the family and others. I couldn't take care of George that day he was killed, but maybe by speaking with you today, I can help make sure that his death would not be in vain. To make sure that he is more than another face on a T-shirt, more than another name on a list that won't stop growing.


    George always made sacrifices for our family. And he made sacrifices for complete strangers. He gave the little that he had to help others. He was our gentle giant.


    I was reminded of that when I watched the video of his murder. He called all the officers "sir." He was mild-mannered; he didn't fight back. He listened to all the officers. The man who took his life, who suffocated him for eight minutes and 46 seconds, he still called them "sir" as he begged for his life.


    I can't tell you the kind of pain you feel when you watch something like that. When you watch your big brother, who you've looked up to your whole entire life, die, die begging for his mom.


    I'm tired. I'm tired of pain. Pain you feel when you watch something like that. When you watch your big brother, who you looked up for your whole life, die begging for his mom.


    I'm here today to ask you to make it stop. Stop the pain. Stop us from being tired.


    George called for help and he was ignored. Please listen to the call I'm making to you now, to the calls of our family, and the calls ringing out in the streets across the world.


    People of all backgrounds, genders and races have come together to demand change.


    Honor them, honor George, and make the necessary changes that make law enforcement the solution – and not the problem.


    Hold them accountable when they do something wrong. Teach them what it means to treat people with empathy and respect. Teach them what necessary force is. Teach them that deadly force should be used rarely and only when life is at risk.


    George wasn't hurting anyone that day. He didn't deserve to die over twenty dollars. I am asking you, is that what a black man's worth? Twenty dollars? This is 2020. Enough is enough. The people marching in the streets are telling you enough is enough. Be the leaders that this country, this world, needs the right thing.


    The people elected you to speak for them, to make positive change. George's name means something. You have the opportunity here to make your names mean something, too.


    If his death ends up changing the world for the better, and I think it will, then he died as he lived. It is on you to make sure his death isn't in vain.


    I didn't get the chance to say goodbye to Perry while he was here. I was robbed of that. But, I know he's looking down on us now. Perry, look up at what you did, big brother. You changed the world.


    Thank you for everything. For taking care of us when on Earth and for taking care of all of us now. I hope you found mama and can rest in peace and power. Thank you.




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