• 兰泽葳蕤     习主席《构建新发展格局 实现互利共赢》的金句

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《未知》

    2020年11月19日习主席在北京以视频方式出席亚太经合组织工商领导人对话会并发表题为《构建新发展格局 实现互利共赢》的主旨演讲,强调世界是不可分割的命运共同体,要全面深化抗疫国际合作,推动世界经济复苏。中国积极构建新发展格局,坚持对外开放,同世界各国实现互利共赢,共创亚太和世界更加美好的未来。


    This pandemic once again shows that the interests of all countries are closely interwoven and that humankind shares a common stake. Indeed, our world is an indivisible community with a shared future.


    To beat the virus and promote global recovery, we in the international community must close ranks and jointly respond to this crisis and meet the test.


    The fundamentals sustaining China’s steady and long-term economic growth remain unchanged. We have full confidence and ability to maintain stable economic performance and achieve the goals of finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and eradicating poverty within the set time frame.


    The new development paradigm is a strategic decision we have made based on the current stage and conditions of development in China and with full consideration given to economic globalization and changes in the external environment.


    First, we will expand domestic demand as a strategic priority and ensure smooth flow of economic activity.


    Second, we will vigorously make scientific and technological innovations to foster new growth drivers.


    Third, we will continue to deepen reform and energize the market.

    We will not reverse course or run against historical trend by “decoupling” or forming a small circle to keep others out.


    By fostering a new development paradigm, we are not pursuing a closed-door circulation, but open and mutually reinforcing domestic and international circulations.


    The new development paradigm will enable China to fully unlock its market potential and create greater demand for other countries.


    The new development paradigm will enable China to open up wider and share more opportunities for common development with other countries.

    The new development paradigm will enable China to continue to deepen international cooperation for shared benefits.

    The Asia-Pacific is our shared home. To sustain peace, stability, development and prosperity in the region meets the interests of us all.

    2020年11月21日 兰泽葳蕤


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