• Steven_Cui在此隐居     河南

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    Today (24th) afternoon, Henan Province held a press conference to introduce the latest situation of flood prevention and disaster relief.

    The press conference announced that since the 16th, this round of heavy rainfall has caused 9.3058 million people in 137 counties (cities, districts) in Henan Province to be affected by the disaster. 58 people died and 5 people were missing (56 people died and 5 people in Zhengzhou City). Missing, 1 person died in Kaifeng City, 1 person died in Luohe City). Henan Province has evacuated 811,900 people and resettled 1,141,100 people, and 444,100 people need emergency life assistance. The area of ​​crops affected is 734.6 thousand hectares. (CCTV)

    1970-01-01   0赞       0踩       116浏览 评论(0)
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