• 翼尖划天际     美剧《纸牌屋》中安德伍德的精彩独白 2

    • "Stunned, my heart goes out to John and Alicia and family."

    • ”震惊,我的心同约翰纳什、阿丽莎还有他们的家人在一起。“

    • from:《Beautiful Mind John Nash dies at 86》

    my heart goes out to someone 对某人深表同情与哀悼

    由该句话引申出我今天给大家带来的第2小段《纸牌屋》桥段。该段发生在第一季,Frank亲手害死宾州州长竞选人Peter Russel,并成功驱使副总统重新参与竞选宾州州长之后。Frank在家门口携手夫人Claire面对媒体发表悼念声明。由于大言不惭,从开始讲话的一瞬间就黑屏开始出结尾字幕,导演这样的处理也符合了观众的心情😂


    Frank: I find it very difficult to express everything that I'm feeling right now, and I know Claire feels exactly the same.

    Claire: Peter was very special to us. A sort of magnetic presence that electrified everyone he touched, and my husband and I became very close to him in the past several months.

    Frank: Peter was more than a colleague, more than a friend. He was family. Our hearts go out to his children and to his mother, to all of those who knew him, and worked with him and loved him. We would ask that all of you respect their privacy, and honor their loss. Today is indeed a sad day for the United States' Congress, for the State of Pennsylvania, and for all of us. Thank you very much.



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