• 兰泽葳蕤     赏明月,饮桂花酒,品月饼,阅中秋节的“前世今生”

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《未知》

    Origins of Mid - Autumn Festival

    The festival is said to be derived from the custom of moon worship during the Zhou Dynasty more than 3,000 years ago, the term “Mid-Autumn “ first appeared in the book Rites of Zhou(周礼). In ancient China, the emperors worshiped the moon annually. The custom was gradually accepted by the masses over time and became a festival in the Northern Song Dynasty ((A.D.960- A.D.1279). However the tradition of having moon cakes was not established until the Yuan Dynasty (A.D.1271- A.D.1368). In 2008, China made the Mid-Autumn Festival a three days public holiday to better promote the traditional culture.
    Tales of Mid-Autumn

    A well-known festival story tells the tale of Chang’e and her husband Houyi, an expert archer. When the suns rose together threatening the Earth, Houyi saved the planet from burning when he shot down nine of them.
    He was rewarded with an elixir for this heroic deed. A devious disciple tried to steal the elixir but was foiled by Chang’e . She drank the entire bottle of elixir and flew to the moon and became a Goddess of the Moon. Shen was worshiped by people for peace and luck.
    据说昆仑山上的西王母为奖励后羿射下九个太阳的功劳,就赐给后羿一丸长生不老的灵丹妙药,并告诉后羿,如果服了这个仙丸,便可成仙。 后羿的一个弟子得知此事后,秘密地溜到后羿家里偷仙药,被嫦娥发现,为了阻止这个弟子盗取仙药,嫦娥一口吞下了一瓶的仙药,飞升到月球,成为月神。后来百姓祭拜嫦娥祈求和平和好运。
    Customs of Mid-Autumn Festival
    (1)Mooncakes and Moon appreciation
    Having mooncakes and appreciating the Moon are the most common and representative traditions of the day. Mooncakes are a kind of Chinese pastry and the round shape symbolizes reunion. Mooncakes on the market are various, the types of fillings vary according to the region’s traditions. The most used fillings are as follows:

    (2) A moonlit Crab Crawl to Bring Wealth and Fortune
    Every Mid-Autumn Festival, there was once a custom called “Crab crawl moon”along Tianjin’s coast. On the evening of the Moon Festival, people put small candles or oil twists on crab’s backs. Then let them loose in the yard to observe their movements. If the majority of crabs stayed crawling inside the courtyard, it symbolized fortune and wealth would visit the family.

    (3)lanterns-making 制作花灯

    People used to make lanterns themselves as a family activity and the children loved it. Nowadays,parks in the cities will put on fabulous lantern shows that come in different shapes and colors.
    (4)Watching the Flood Tide of the Qiangtang River观钱塘江大潮

    In Zhenjiang Province,watching the flood tide of the Qianjiang River is an important celebratory activity. The ebb and flow of the tides coincide with the waxing and waning of the moon, creating particularly huge tides on the Mid-Autumn day. It has also become a famous tourist attraction in the region.
    (5)Drinking Osmanthus wine 饮桂花酒

    Drinking Osmanthus wine during Mid -Autumn Festival is a tradition that has been kept alive through the ages.
    In addition to appreciating the full moon and having mooncakes, drinking Osmanthus wine at Mid-Autumn Festival symbolizes a harmonious family ,wealth and auspiciousness. It ‘s a long held practice in China that is especially popular in the Zhejiang and Jiangsu Provinces.

    2021年9月21日中秋节 兰泽葳蕤整理自网络,兰泽葳蕤编译

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