• merely.     英文单词近义词(synonym)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《未知》

    1,unbelievable staggering astonishing incredible 难以置信的
    2,sinful immoral wicked 不道德的
    3,energetic vigorous lively active dynamic
    4,thorny knotty 棘手的
    5,stately majestic grand imposing impressive magnificent splendid 宏伟的,壮观的
    6,stern strict harsh severe rigorous rigid
    7,undue excessive 过度的
    8,perfect impeccable 完美的
    9, thorough radical intensive 彻底的
    10,extreme intense 极其的
    11,sturdy firm determined 坚定的
    12,basic fundamental rudimentary 基本的
    13,doubtful suspicious questionable 怀疑的
    14,deadly lethal fatal mortal 致命的
    15,happy glad delighted joyful jolly pleased cheerful jubilant 高兴的
    16, good great excellent nice fine splendid distinguished glorious remarkable outstanding 好的
    17,bad poor evil wicked harmful 坏的
    18,afraid fearful awful horrible dreadful
    frightful terrific (令人)害怕的
    19, industrious diligent hard-working 勤奋的
    20,friendly sociable approachable good-natured easy-going amiable
    21,arrogant strutting 自负的
    22,awful disgusting loathsome hideous ghastly horrible 令人讨厌的
    23,sad unpleasant unhappy depressed grim沮丧的
    24,crazy mental mad lunatic demented
    rabid deranged 疯狂的
    25,talkative loquacious 健谈的,话多的
    26,harmless innocuous 无害的
    27,strange odd weird peculiar 奇怪的
    28,illegal illicit 非法的
    29,unclear vague ambiguous indistinct
    equivocal indefinite 含糊的,模棱两可的
    30,agile nimble 机敏的
    31,skillful slick 娴熟的
    32,slippery slick 滑的

    1,scarcity shortage absence want lack 缺乏
    2,turmoil confusion chaos mess disorder
    disturbance shambles(single.) 混乱
    3,jest joke 玩笑
    4,lie untruth falsehood 谎言
    5,abuse vitriol 辱骂
    6,guy fellow bloke fella man boy lad chap 男人,家伙
    7,idiot dolt simpleton imbecile oaf 笨蛋,傻子
    8,precision accuracy nicety 精准
    9,snag difficulty 困难
    10,medal badge 勋章
    11,交易,业务 deal transaction
    12,安慰 comfort solace

    1,fire(v.) sack chuck dismiss drum sb out of axe 开除
    2,ensnare trap 使陷入困境
    3,worry(v.) fret 苦恼
    4,设计,发明 create invent
    conceive devise formulate
    5,尖叫scream shriek
    6,reveal divulge 泄露
    7,mock tease take the mickey/mick out of sb 取笑
    8,abandon forsake renounce 放弃,抛弃
    9,insinuate imply 暗示
    10, excite encourage stimulate exhilarate
    11,implore beg 恳求
    12,controvert refute 反驳
    13,smear besmirch 诋毁
    14,disguise conseal 掩饰
    15,vanquish conquer 征服
    16,rouse whip up 激发

    1970-01-01   6赞       0踩       21浏览 评论(0)
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