• Krazynutts     一 、出口贸易英语 - 开篇

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《穿普拉达的女王》

    在出口行业混迹7年之久,虽没有做出什么大成绩,但也遭遇过不少有意思的事情。在不断地勾搭客户和维护跟踪订单的过程中, 认识了很多各种各样的人,广东人将外国人戏称“鬼佬”,将外省务工人员叫做“捞佬”(略带歧视,其实不必较真)。 广州作为一个古老的通商口岸,有着其独特的文化和包容力。

    I took the train to Guangzhou in 2008 looking for my dream, and just happened to meet with the Global Financial Crisis, which is caused by the bursting of the U.S. housing bubble and considered as the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s. However, the real estate in China turned an entirely opposite face compared to the decreasing house prices in other places in the world, and export growth rate fell sharply by 17%.
    08年金融危机,大量的资金进入房地产,实业失去了以往的活力,素以“Made In China”闻名世界的中国制造业,渐渐地失去其魅力,2010年至今,曾经火爆的“广交会”逐渐变得冷清,珠三角每个月都有工厂倒闭,出口行业似乎又进入一个低谷期。
    That was the general situation I was faced up with and had to deal with, I sensed the business entities involved in primary manufacturing would be wiped out if they wouldn’t think about changing themselves and strategies, however, I knew nothing about Import and Export Business, so I took my time to get a job in a lousy factory just to survive, as I was flat broke after spending 2 months looking for a fairly good job, a salesman selling Closed Circuit Television(CCTV) as a rookie by sending trillions of emails to any company I can find on the internet, and the door to Google wasn’t shut at that time.
    第一次正正经经,一天8个半小时坐在办公室里, 和20多个人一起发邮件的感觉让我很新奇,但很快便对一天发1000封推销邮件感到厌烦,学到的第一句与国际贸易相关的电话用语是“Hello, Email, OK?” 这是作为一个销售在这家公司唯一需要掌握的口语,整个公司只有一部Skype IP电话,而且每个月**不得超过50欧。
    We were not allowed to know whole product manufacturing process and key technical information owing to that the owner felt unsafe of we knowing everything, and probably ended up setting up our own business and became his competitors, because the simple business model was born with the sense of insecurity, leaving popped out of my head right after I joined them for only 2 months, especially when the owner kicked out his partners and started a big fight in front of us.


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