• Krazynutts     二、出口贸易英语 – 口语(概述)

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《穿普拉达的女王》





    Do you think Spoken English is important for a salesman? And why?

    In my opinion, for a Chinese involved in international trading business precisely, many problems and matters in negotiation with customers can be solved by using just simple Spoken English, one of my customers ever told me that it’s not easy to keep your words simple, both speaking and writing, less is more.




    The business we are talking about brings the sales to a bunch of business men from all over the world, they speak English with accents, some even very thick, too thick to recognize, and they have tons of ways to tell you just one thing by using weird English, crappy spoken English never stands in the way of closing a deal. Example from one of my customers from Brazil:

    His English is the best in his company, we can imagine what it would look like if I started a discussion with all of them simultaneously. However, he never missed the key words in description of the products he would like to order, that is why he can do business with people on the other side of the planet. All in all, good English is a language that can work in real life, improve communication and help solve problems, great thing is that people never stop learning and trying to be better, language is the 1st incredible tool we learn to use and get to know the world effectively.

    其实在我的出口销售职业生涯中也见过不少很厉害的人物,2010年的某展会上,亲眼目睹了一个潮汕老板在只懂得“Yes” “OK”和“No”的情况下,让一个来自北美的客户当场下了订单!也许这只是个例,但是不得不让人深思,在这个行业,除了语言工具之外,我更应该具备的是什么?是嗅觉,是经验,是对行业,产品的了解和把握,还有对客户需求的逻辑推导。销售卖的是什么?很多人有自己的一套说法,但最关键是,要带领客户跟着自己的流程走,将客户以及他的需求引入到自己的程序中,这个手法很微妙,但却是最有效最核心的东西。(详细的案例,后续再详解)

    I’ve seen so many sales standing in front of the booth, glancing off the place when no visitors come in and ask, it makes no difference between them and the sales in a department store. It doesn’t hurt to say hello to people passing by, a smile may bring you a surprise that you will never know. People is the core, the most important element in a business, but they always CHOOSE to ignore it, probably, I guess some of them think that it is JUST a job, they never think about the future like in 5 years or even longer.


    Is there any certain sentence we can use in an exhibition? 请留言


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