• Serena_NANA     Serena来说说英语的听说读写(2)

    • Almost all A's.

    • 几乎是全A。

    • from:《荒野生存》

    Hello 大家好 Serena一考完试就来给大家分享英语学习经验了 哈哈 绝对是良心贴 花了好多时间好多功夫码出来的😂 还是值得鼓励的哈

    所以呢之前讲过听说读写里的口语和听力 今天就把剩余的读和写给讲了吧 😌 大家互相学习 一起进步噢~ 还有啊 FYI明天之后Serena会开始每天讲一到三个常用的语法 记得收听噢 哈哈😘


    Hello everyone! I'm Serena. So as you may know I had been studying lots for my exams during the past two weeks and I hadn't really

    had that much of chance to talk to you or update my learning experience. But don't worry, I'm officially on my holidays now so we will have heaps of opportunity to exchange our ideas and experiences. Yay! Now let's get back on the track, last time i have discussed what the four basic language skills are, and listening was the main focus. This time I will move on to writing and reading and try to finish off this topic ASAP. Cuz I'm planning on doing something very different and I hope you will like it. Just FYI, I'm not a professional English teacher or anything, these are just my own learning experiences, so if you found them not as useful, please comment below and let me know what you think is the best way to learn English and I really appreciate it. Thank you so much for listening :) 哈哈 这里只是介绍 重点在下面⬇️⬇️⬇️


    说起读 读可以有很多 平时初高中的英语阅读 闲暇时读小说 报纸 或者杂志 当然还有 留学生们的textbook 甚至是街上的英文广告 任何跟英文有关的东西

    想要提高读 我认为最重要的便是 词汇量! 对 又回到了这个话题 词汇量对于听说读写来说 都是至关重要的 其次呢 我认为多读不同类型的资料也是非常重要的 这有助于你培养语感和理解语境 所以在看一篇英语文章的时候 即使你看到陌生的词汇 那么你也可以大概猜出来他是什么意思 最后呢 我要强调的是 在背单词的时候 不要一味的记这个词的意思 要学会用这个词 那才是王道 我们可以试着用这个词造句 或者想想自己认识的跟这个词意思接近的词 然后 比较他们的不同



    I absolutely agree that expanding or you could say enlarging our vocabulary is imperative when it comes to improving reading skills. There's no way we can avoid the enormous amount of words (words you might have learnt or not) that we may encounter in an age-appropriate reading content, especially novels. I'm not talking about a simple and straightforward story for preschoolers tho. Just a hint here, so when you’re learning a new word, you want to make sure it’s connected to those you already know. Maybe you could start with making a sentence engaging this new word, or try to think of some similar words (in regards to spelling and meaning) that you've learnt, and then compare and contrast these words.

    Of course, if you really get sick of translating when you're reading a novel, (I know it can be very distracting sometimes), maybe you could have a guess what the word implies here in this sentence, and trust me, the chance of you getting it right is close to 80%. HOWEVER, before you could actually do that, you have to read a large amount of materials discussing all sorts of things. Because there's so much to learn, and focusing on only one specific type of reading is just not enough. Say if you like romantic fantasy and you read it all the time, yes it improves your vocabulary in some way but it's unlikely you'd learn more science-related words or other words that may not appear in a romantic novel.


    我最喜欢的app之一那就是 Quora了 里面真的可以获得很多的信息 各个方面的都有 你可以选择任意你喜欢的话题 比如说教育啊 科学啊 心理啊 等等的 非常全面 在这里 提高的不仅仅是读 还有别人怎样学习 怎样看待问题 还有专业人士的回答 总之 很赞很喜欢 然后就是ABC news 之前讲听力的时候推荐过这个app 里面不仅有radio 新闻视频 也有online news 虽然主要是澳洲新闻 但也有国际的板块 还有其他分类 比如健康 科技 和体育等等


    高中的时候我是学商管和经济的 所以会要求看很多的书 还有网上的案例和新闻 所以 我的商管教科书其实是我单词猛升的一个良师 里面的单词有时很现实生活非常接近的 所以看完了1000多页的教科书 我真的是发现自己不管是读 说还是写都有很大的提高

    《苔丝》是我看的第一本英文小说 故事情节不错 词汇也不是太难 推荐一下 英语课老师要求看的 高中水平可以看懂 真的是好好看 当时我是停不下来一口气看完了 也是高中老师叫看的 很有教育性 然后是 故事开始有点无聊 但是后来很感人 跟友情有关的小说 是我正在看的小说 有被拍成电影 Anne Hathaway演的 但没看电影 准备看完小说再看 这本小说 词汇略难 适合词汇量大一些的小伙伴 这里只是一些 不一一讲了噢

    除了小说 教科书 我有看报纸或者是online news的习惯 Just to keep myself updated with what's going on in the world atm haha 然后作为一个妹子 不看时尚杂志那是不可能的😌 哈哈

    最后最后 谢谢大家看完 真的是很长 绝对是良心贴 哈哈 然后 我没有说写 因为真的是打字打不动了 明天再更新写 么么哒😘


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