• EE英语课堂❤️     日常口语(一)

    • In the fox-trap.

    • 在狐狸陷阱里。

    • from:《了不起的狐狸爸爸》

    talk big 说大话
    put one's shoulders to the wheel 全力以赴
    take a rain check 改天进行
    put the wind up sb 使某人惊慌
    kick over the traces 不守规矩
    risk life and limb 出生入死
    I'm hard up 我经济很困难
    Don't nag me 别在我面前唠叨
    Bazinga 逗你玩儿
    Whatever/up to you. 随便
    I have no idea. 不知道
    This is sick./disgusting. 太恶心了。
    It's a deal. 一言为定
    I screwed it up. 我搞砸了
    Let me handle it. 让我来摆平。
    What's the big deal? 有什么大不了的?
    Damn it. 该死
    All ears 洗耳恭听
    Play it by ear 随机应变
    Trick me off 太过分了
    stand me up 放我鸽子
    I'll catch you later 回头再聊
    Don't mess with me 别惹我
    Be my guest 别客气
    Great minds think alike 英雄所见略同
    Over my dead body 休想
    Don't take any chances 别存侥幸心理
    Hold your horses 耐心点
    Don't take it to heart 别往心里去
    That's something 太棒了
    I'm totally behind this 我完全赞同
    I'm taking my time 我静观其变
    It's shaping up 进展顺利
    What a drag 乏味
    I don't wanna ruin it for you 我不想让你扫兴
    We made a pact 我们约定好了
    I'm pressed for time 我赶时间
    I'm not the most demonstrative person
    Don't beat yourself up 不要自责

    1970-01-01   70赞       1踩       2597浏览 评论(58)
女 影后lv57


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