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    • Through the wonders of modern technology, our world is more connected than ever before.

    • 世界比以往任何时候都紧密的联系在一起。

    • from:《米歇尔奥巴马在北大演讲》

    【数字0的口语读法(英)】1. 小数点后,公车、房间、电话等号码,年份中读作oh,如:9.02读作Nine point oh two,101房间读作Room one oh one,1906读作Nineteen oh six;2. 小数点前读nought,如0.06读作Nought point oh six;3. 表示温度读zero,如-10°C读作10 degrees below zero

    【爱情习语大全】1. catch some1's eye 吸引某人注意力;2. have a crush on some1迷恋某人;3. have a soft spot for some1 对某人有好感;4. go out with some1=date some1和某人约会;5. be lovey-dovey 卿卿我我;6. have eyes only for只钟情于;7. fall head over heels for对...神魂颠倒

    【傲慢的】cocky骄傲自大的 conceited自负的 condescending屈尊的;有优越感的 disdainful轻蔑的,倨傲的 imperious专横的;傲慢的 overbearing专横的;傲慢的 pompous浮夸的;自负的 presumptuous专横的;冒昧的 pretentious做作的 too big for one's britches骄傲自大的 stuck-up高傲自大的 uppity傲慢的

    【形容身体状况的形容词】sore酸痛的; itchy痒的; nauseous令人作呕的;bruise瘀血的; scrape擦伤的;burn烫伤的;scratch抓伤的;sneeze打喷嚔的;congested 鼻塞的;sprain扭伤的;flexible灵活的;cough咳嗽的;swollen肿胀的;dizzy晕眩的; exhausted疲惫的; wheeze气喘的;dislocate脱臼的

    【各种water】soda water 汽水;mineral water 矿泉水;spring water泉水;bottled water瓶装水;sea water海水;hot water热水;cold water冷水;boiling water沸水;tepid water温水;soapy water肥皂水;salt water盐水;fresh water淡水;distilled water 蒸馏水(转)

    【用英语表达心术不正的人】1. have an ax to grind 心怀叵测 2. not have one’s heart in the right place 心术不正 3. stab in the back 背后捅刀子 4. badmouth somebody 说某人坏话 5. speak with one’s tongue in one’s cheek 假惺惺的说

    【旅游相关】travel 旅行;tourist 旅客; tourism 旅游业;tour 观光;travel agency 旅行社;tour guide 导游;package tour 跟团旅游;specialties 特产;souvenir 纪念品;cultural relics and historic sites 文化古迹;natural landscape 自然景观 ;tourist attractions;scenic areas 景区;

    【各种睡姿】侧着睡sleep on your side;仰着睡sleep on your back;趴着睡sleep on your front/stomach;昏昏欲睡sleepy/drowsy/dozy;毫无睡意be fully awake;眯一会catch a wink;睡懒觉sleep in;熬夜stay up (late); fall asleep after waking up回笼觉

    【dog相关短语】1.a sly dog 偷偷摸摸寻欢作乐者,暗中行为失检者; 2.yellow dog 不参加或不协助工会的工人;卑鄙的人;3.big dog 看门狗;保镖;大人物;lucky dog! 幸运儿;4.as faithful as a dog 像狗一般的忠诚;5.a junkyard dog 讨厌的人;6.dog days 三伏天;大热天。

    【各种party】theme party 主题派对;surprise party 惊喜派对;cocktail party 鸡尾酒派对;bachelor party 告别单身汉派对;bachelorette party 告别单身女派对;house-warming party 乔迁派对;masquerade ball(较为formal)/costume parties 化妆舞会;prom 毕业舞会;farewell party 欢送会

    【各种“走”】stroll 闲逛;stagger 蹒跚;pace 踱步;loiter 游荡;stride 大步行进;plod 吃力地走;stray 走失;strut 昂首阔步;ramble 漫步;lurk 潜行;creep 蹑手蹑脚;crawl 匍匐前进;stumble 跌跌撞撞;trudge 步履维艰;lurch 摇摇晃晃

    【趣味水果短语】go bananas 发疯;top banana 大老板;the apple of one's eye 掌上明珠;an apple of discord 争端,祸根;apple of sodom 虚有其表的东西;apple-pie order 井然有序;apple polisher 马屁精;a lemon 没有价值的商品;sour grapes 酸葡萄心理;bowl of cherries 精彩的

    【同事辞职,告别时可以说】1) We'll miss you. 我们会想你的。2) Keep in touch. 保持联系。3) Good luck with everything. 祝你好运。4) Come back to visit us! 没事回来看我们。5) Don't be a stranger. 别不理我们了。6) We'll hang out sometime. 有时间咱们约好一起出去玩。

    【蔬菜】蕨菜 fiddleheads; 韭菜garlic chive; 黄瓜cucumber; 芹菜celery; 西兰花broccoli; 山药yam; 南瓜pumpkin; 山芋sweet potato; 茄子eggplant; 扁豆green beans; 金针菇needle mushroom; 马铃薯potato; 红萝卜carrot; 洋葱onion; 大蒜garlic

    【客套话】1. So far so good(目前为止,一切都好) 2. Be my guest(请便、别客气) 3. You're the boss(听你的) 4.I've heard so much about you!(久仰大名!) 5. I'll keep my ears open(我会留意的) 6. Sorry to bother you(抱歉打扰你。) 7.That's really something!(真了不起!)

    【关于形体】1. inguinal crease人鱼线,别名:love line, moneymaker,v-cut,v-lines,V Abs,v-line abs,super v,the sex lines;2. side lines on either side of one's abs马甲线;3. double chin 因肥胖形成的双下巴;4. love handles腰上赘肉;5. beer belly啤酒肚;6. thunder thigh肥大腿

    【''hold''习语说】get hold of 得到/获得;hold a candle to和…媲美;hold water 合情合理/说得通;hold sway 支配;hold one's own坚持自己的立场/支撑住;hold out on some1瞒住某人;hold the line 保持不变;no holds barred 毫无留情;hold the bag两手空空/一无所有;hold one's tongue保持沉默

    【常用谚语】1. Every Tom, Dick and Harry. 不管张三李四。2. Out of the frying into the fire. 一波未平一波又起。3.I live to eat. 舍名求实。4. Every dog has his day. 瞎猫碰上了死耗子。5. Speak of the devil.说曹操,曹操到。6. Love is blind. 情人眼里出西施。7.Time flies. 光阴似箭。


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