• EE英语课堂❤️     微博精华(二)

    • In ancient times, a land lay covered in forests,

    • 在古老的时代,这片大地覆盖着浓密的森林,

    • from:《幽灵公主》

    【“忙”’的地道表达】 1)I am not available.我正忙着.(没空) 2)My hands are full now.我现在很忙. 3)I've got so much to do.我有很多事要做。4)I'm tied up at the moment.我这会儿正忙. 5)I'm in the middle of something. 我在忙于一些事情。

    【“点赞”】1. Good job!干得好! 2. Well done.真棒!3. Here you go.干得好!4. Terrific!太棒了!5. Topnotch!高手;绝对一流!6. Awesome!好极了!7. Good for you!太好了 8. Nice work.干得好!9. Super!好极了!10. Bravo.真棒!11.Nice one.很不错。12.Nice try.做的不错。

    【标点符号】1.apostrophe省略符号;2.square brackets方括号;3.colon冒号;4.comma逗号;5.dash破折号;6.ellipsis省略号;7.exclamation point感叹号;8.hyphen连字符;9.parenthese圆括号;10.period句号;11.question mark问号;12.quotation mark引号;13.semicolon分号;

    【hand相关短语】at hand 在手边;在附近;by hand 用手;用手工的;in hand 现有在手头;在进行中;on hand 现有;在手边;临近;hand down 把…传下来;传给;hand in 交上;递上,交进;hand in hand 手拉手;联合;hand on 传下来,依次传递;hand out 分派;把…拿出来

    【拒绝别人的邀请】1.I'm afraid I can't. 恐怕我不能来。2. I have things to do. 我有事情要做。3. I'm kind of busy. Maybe later. 我有点儿忙,也许以后吧。4. I'm busy right now. Sorry. 我现在很忙,抱歉。5. I can't come over right now. 我不能马上过来。

    【天气词汇】haze薄雾,阴霾;fog雾;rain雨天;downpour大雨;shower小雨;thunder雷;thunderstorm雷雨; tempestfrost霜;hail冰雹;snowflake雪花;dust灰尘;breeze微风;typhoon台风;whirlwind龙卷风;humidity潮湿;drought干旱;climate气候

    【水果英语词汇】apricot杏 blackberry黑莓 cherry樱桃 chestnut栗子 walnut核桃 coconut椰子 fig无花果 filbert榛 litchi荔枝 hawthorn山楂 lemon柠檬 mandarin柑桔 mango芒果 olive橄榄 papaya木瓜 peach桃pear梨 pineapple菠萝 pomegranate石榴 strawberry草莓 watermelon西瓜 raspberry覆盆子

    【put短语】①Put your hands up. 举起手来!②Let me put it this way. 这么说吧。③Stay put. 不许动。④Put it down. 把东西放下!⑤Put the word out. 让每个人知道。⑥Put on some weight 增加体重。⑦Put it on my tab. 记在我的帐上。⑧Well put! 说得好!

    【花的词汇】 sakura樱花 tulip郁金香 rose玫瑰 azalea杜鹃花 begonia秋海棠 camellia山茶花 carnation康乃馨 daisy雏菊 datura曼陀罗 gardenia栀子花 asmine茉莉 ilac丁香 ily百合 mangnolia 木兰花 morning glory牵牛花

    【表情口语】flush脸红;beam微笑;snicker偷笑;smirk傻笑;pout 噘嘴;simper假笑;frown 皱眉;brood沉思;;poker-faced面无表情的;leer抛媚眼;glare瞪眼;glower怒视;grimace做鬼脸;gloom愁容满面;scowl沉下脸来;wince因疼痛窘迫抽搐;yawn打哈欠

    【恐慌症】常见的phobia(恐慌症)还有三个:分别是: claustrophobia(幽闭恐惧症)/ˌklɒstrəˈfəʊbiə/ agoraphobia(空旷恐惧症)/ˌæɡrəˈfəʊbiə/ acrophobia(恐高症)/ˌækrəˈfəʊbiə/

    【电影奖项】Oscar Golden statuettes奥斯卡金像奖;best actor award最佳男演员;best cammeraman award最佳摄影奖;best costume designing award最佳服装设计奖;best female supporting role award最佳女配角;best make-up award最佳化妆奖;best science

    【耍酷的五句话】1.Watch your mouth. 说话客气一点。2.Do you know who you're talking to 你知道你在跟谁说话吗?3.You'd better take that back.你最好收回那句话。4.You want to take it outside Anytime! 你想到外头解决(干架)吗?随时奉陪!5.Don't get fresh with me! 给我放尊重一点!

    【on the side 的三种意思】第一,I'd like to order a Caesar salad with dressing on the side. 我点个凯萨色拉,色拉酱放在边上。第二,John makes some extra money on the side as a bouncer. John还**当保安赚钱。第三,He's married, but has a woman on the side. 他除了老婆,还养了小三。

    【酒场必备】①开瓶open the bottle. ②斟酒pour a drink. ③把杯子斟满 Fill the glass to the top ④酒溢出the drink overflows. ⑤我们干一杯Let’s make a toast. ⑥碰杯touch/clink glasses. ⑦干杯!Bottoms up! /cheers!⑧一口闷drink in one gulp.⑨微醉的tipsy

    【各种交通规则】1. 交通规则 traffic regulation2.单行线 single line 3.让路 give way 4.不准掉头 no turns 5.红绿灯 traffic light 6.不准驶入 no entry 7.红灯 red light 8.绿灯 green light 9.黄灯 amber light 10.交通岗 traffic post 11.双白线 double white lines 12.交通警 traffic police

    【实用英语谚语】1)A bad thing never dies. 坏事传千年。2)A good dog deserves a good bone. 有劳得奖。 3)He that travels far knows much. 见多识广。 4)Enough is as good as a feast. 知足常乐。5)Grasp all, lose all. 贪多必失。6)Justice has long arms. 天网恢恢,疏而不漏。

    【有礼貌表达“胖”】1.super size person超大之人2.heavyset身子重的3.nutritionally endowed营养丰富的4.gravitationally challenged 受地球引力挑战的5.well-built体格健美的6.stout结实的7.big-boned骨架大的 8.overweight超重的9.chubby胖呼呼的。

    【耳鼻喉问题】 1.I’ve got a runny nose.我流鼻涕。 2.I’ve got a stuffy nose. (=My nose is blocked/congested.)我鼻塞了。 3.I’ve got a sore throat.我的嗓子很疼。 4.I’ve lost my voice.我嗓子哑了。 5.My nose is bleeding.我的鼻子出血。

    【关于形体】1. inguinal crease人鱼线,别名:love line, moneymaker,v-cut,v-lines,V Abs,v-line abs,super v,the sex lines;2. side lines on either side of one's abs马甲线;3. double chin 因肥胖形成的双下巴;4. love handles腰上赘肉;5. beer belly啤酒肚;6. thunder thigh肥大腿

    【生气口语说】1.You should have seen his face spoken. 你真该看看他的脸色〔表某人极其生气、吃惊等〕2.I'm ticked off. 我太生气了! 3.I see you're still pissed. 看的出你仍很生气 4.I'm not mad. I'm furious. 我不是生气,是快要气死了。5.Tick me off!气死我了

    【火车类型】 特快列车 express train; 直达列车 direct train; 子弹列车 bullet train; 磁浮列车maglev (train) ; 单轨列车monorail; 有轨电车streetcar/tram ; 有轨缆车cable car; 货运列车freight train/goods train; 蒸汽火车steam train; 火车头locomotive;

    【房屋结构】shutter百叶窗;balcony阳台;drip edge滴水檐;asphalt shingles沥青瓦;;trim门窗贴脸;casing]门窗的框;wall stud墙架柱;header过梁,顶梁; top plate顶板; roof sheathing屋面板; roofing felt屋顶油毛毡;rafter椽子;ridge purlin 脊檩;post 柱

    【如何用英语表达各种心情】embarrassment 囧;surprise 惊;nervous 紧张;annoyance 恼火;sulk 生闷气;anxiety 忧虑;depression 沮丧;anticipation 期待;despair 绝望;fear 恐惧;rage 愤怒;excitement 兴奋;worry 担心;unpleasant 不愉快的;indifference 冷漠

    【关于乐器】乐器musical instrument; 萨克斯saxophone; 小号trumpet; 长号trombone; 大号tuba; 木琴xylophone; 钢琴piano; 吉他guitar; 大提琴cello; 中提琴viola; 小提琴violin; 手风琴accordion; 口琴harmonica; 长笛flute; 短号corne

    【拍马屁】1.flatter阿谀奉承2.curry favor 拍马屁3.suck up to somebody 拍某人马屁4.ass-kisser 马屁精 5.butter somebody up拍某人马屁6.brown-noser马屁精 Why did you have to suck up to him.你为什么非得要拍他的马屁。You're such a typical ass-kisser.你真是一个不折不扣的马屁精。

    【大话茶道】tea ceremony 茶道;茶艺;make tea 沏茶;teahouse 茶馆;teapot 茶壶;tea set 茶具;tea strainer 滤茶器;tea biscuit 茶点;tea tray 茶盘;black tea 红茶;green tea 绿茶;pu-erh tea 普洱茶;oolong tea 乌龙茶;herbal tea 凉茶;jasmine tea 茉莉花茶

    【时下最IN英文口头语】1.我嘞个去:holy crap;2.额滴神啊:oh my God;3.我的天哪:Jesus Christ;4.牛了B了:friggin' awesome;5.神马东西:what the hell;6.傻了吧唧:stupid ass;7.闭嘴吧你:shut the fuck up;8.臭不要脸:you got nerve;9.胡说八道:total nonsense。

    【男士裤子类型】pants/trousers普通裤子;slacks休闲裤;dressy capris七分裤;suit pants西裤; jeans牛仔裤; shorts普通短裤;form-fitting pants紧身裤;bib overall肚兜背带裤;spandex弹力裤;checkered trousers格子裤子;bootcut 微喇靴型牛仔裤; capri jeans 半截腿牛仔裤

    【职业】accountant 会计;baker面包师;barber理发师;barman酒吧员;builder建筑师;carpenter木匠;cashier收银员;chambermaid女服务员;chef厨师;cleaner清洁工;dentist牙医;doctor医生;electrician电工;engineer工程师;fireman消防员;hairdresser美发师

    【各种交通规则】1. 交通规则 traffic regulation2.单行线 single line 3.让路 give way 4.不准掉头 no turns 5.红绿灯 traffic light 6.不准驶入 no entry 7.红灯 red light 8.绿灯 green light 9.黄灯 amber light 10.交通岗 traffic post 11.双白线 double white lines 12.交通警 traffic police

    【关于数学的基本表达】1. no less than 大于等于;2. no more than 小于等于;3. is equal to 等于;4. round to/to the nearest 四舍五入;5. A divided into B 即B/A,A divided by B 即A/B;6. The ratio of A to B is ...A比B的比例是 ;7. be parallel to 平行于;8. be perpendicular to 垂直于

    【足球术语-球技】kick-off 开球;bicycle/overhead kick倒钩球;corner kick 角球;penalty kick 点球;goal kick 球门球;Throw-in 掷界外球;handball 手球;header 头球;free kick 任意球;place kick 定位球;own goal 乌龙球;hat-trick 帽子戏法;pass 传球;shoot 射门;slide tackle 铲球

    【形容食物的味道】greasy油腻的 ;fresh新鲜的;tender柔软的;crispy酥脆的;vinegary酸的 ;spicy辛辣的;hot烫的/辣的 ;sweet甜的;oily油的;fruity水果味的 ;salty咸的 ;rotten腐坏的 ;medicinal药的;tangy味道浓的 ;delicious美味的


    【十二星座的英语】1.Aries 白羊;2.Taurus 金牛;3.Gemini 双子;4.Cancer 巨蟹;5.Leo 狮子;6.Virgo 处女;7.Libra 天秤;8.Scorpio 天蝎;9.Sagittarius 射手;10.Capricorn 摩羯;11.Aquarius 水瓶;12.Pisces 双鱼. 你都知道吗?

    【''音乐''词汇大全】popular music 流行音乐 ; singer 歌手; performance 演唱;melody 旋律;music album 音乐专辑;lyrics 歌词;lyricist 歌词作者;compose 作曲;composer 曲作者;songwriter 词曲作者; instrument 乐器;accompaniment 伴奏;musician 音乐人;conductor 指挥

    【请对号入座】Overweight: 超重的;Meaty: 肉肉的;Chubby: 胖溜溜的;Corpulent/Obese: 肥胖的;Flabby: 肥胖且肌肉松软的;Chunky/Dumpy: 矮胖的;Paunchy: 大腹便便的;Plump: 丰满的;Bulky: 笨重的;Pear-shaped: 梨形身材的;Big-boned: 骨骼大的;Beer-bellied: 啤酒肚的…

    【关于健康的小词】keep/stay healthy 保持健康;physical fitness 身体健康;mental health 心理健康;sub-health 亚健康;nutrition 营养;Wholesome 有益健康的、合乎卫生的;(good/bad)eating habits (好的/坏的)饮食习惯;low-fat 低脂肪的;organic foods 有机食品;junk food 垃圾食品

    【常见病症】vomit 呕吐;fracture骨折; twist 扭伤;allergy过敏;high blood pressure高血压;diarrhea腹泻;upset stomach消化不良;dizzy头晕;irregular period 大姨妈不规律;fever发烧;cough 咳嗽;running nose流鼻涕;insomnia 失眠;nausea恶心

    【形容瘦】通用的可用thin;体重过轻underweight;身材苗条纤细的slim/slender/svelte;修长苗条willowy;女子个子娇小纤细petite;瘦的很健康迷人lean;精瘦wiry/sinewy;骨瘦如柴skinny/bony/skin and bone/scrawny/skeletal;身材瘦小slight ;又高又瘦 lanky/gangling

    【描述人物常用的形容词】1)gracious:和蔼可亲 2)hospitable:热情友好的 3)funny:富于幽默的 4)witty:睿智的 5)intelligent:聪明的 6)athletic:体魄健壮 7)satisfactory:容易满足的 8)lovable:讨人喜欢的 9)attractive:有魅力的 10)considerate 考虑周到的

    【和车相关】1. Convertible 敞篷车;2. Four-door sedan 四门轿车;3. SUV (sport-utility vehicle) 运动型多用途汽车;4. Limousine (=limo) 豪华轿车;5. Camper 房车;6. Pickup truck 皮卡;7. Dump truck 自动倾卸卡车; 8. Tow truck 拖车;9. Tank truck 油罐车

    【“二”习语说】 1.kill two birds with one stone.一箭双雕一举两得。 2.It takes two to tango.一个巴掌拍不响。3.be of two minds.举棋不定/三心二意。4.two heads are better than one. 人多智广;三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。 5.That makes two of us. 英雄所见略同。...

    【睡觉的不同表达】 [月亮]1)上床睡觉 go to bed、get into bed、turn in for the night 、hit the hay 、hit the sack 、retire to bed;2)小睡一下/打盹 take a nap/have a nap、take a catnap /take a snooze 、grab forty winks、have a short doze 3)抓住机会补眠一下 grab/snatch some sleep

    【人体器官英文名】throat 喉咙;nipple 乳头;chest 胸部;navel 肚脐;abdomen 腹部;neck 脖子;shoulder 肩;waist 腰;hip 臀部;skull 颅骨;collarbone 锁骨;bone 骨;skeleton 骨骼;muscle 肌肉;blood vessel 血管;vein 静脉;artery 动脉;lung 肺;stomach 胃

    【生气的常见词组】be furious with对...大发雷霆;get angry/mad at对...生气;piss some1 off.惹某人十分的生气;get on one's nerves.让某人生气;lose one's rag发脾气;lose your cool.失去了冷静;blow a fuse勃然大怒;blow one's top怒发冲冠;go ballistic/mad/crazy非常生气;I’m in a temper

    【再见,不说bye!】来新鲜的:Mind how you go.路上当心/Have a nice day!祝您一天愉快!/Take care of yourself.照顾好你自己/See you next.下次见。/Let’s keep in touch.让我们保持联系!

    【几种常见女士中长发型英文图解】ponytail 马尾辫;formal updo 正式高髻;girl's updo 女孩高髻;princess updo 公主高髻;classic updo 经典高髻;long and straight 长直发...

    【各种舞】街舞:street dance 民族舞:folk dance 芭蕾:ballet 踢踏舞:tap dance 爵士舞:jazz 脱衣舞:striptease 肚皮舞:belly dance 交谊舞:ballroom dance 拉丁舞:latin dance 草裙舞:hula 伦巴:rumba 探戈:tango 桑巴:samba 华尔兹:waltz 狐步:foxtrot 弗拉门戈:flamenco

    【各种爱】母爱maternal love; 父爱paternal love; 父母的爱parental love;子女对长辈的爱filial love;慈爱the benevolent affections;疼爱the tender love;夫妻之爱conjugal love; 强烈的爱a keen affection;狂热的爱fanatic love;真诚的爱love sincerely

    【关于girl的俚语】1. That's my girl=That's my girl of whom I'm proud. 表示对女孩的赞赏,女孩长辈或BF均适用;2. glamor girl 注重仪表的靓女;3. golden girl 成功女郎;4. girl next door 邻家女孩,指既不富贵也不有名的普通女孩;5. a call girl 应召女郎;6. girl Friday 忠实能干的女助手

    【较难记的水果名称】1.durian 榴莲;2.loquat 枇杷;3.mangosteen 山竹;4.coconut 椰子;5.pineapple 菠萝;6.nectarine 油桃;7.guava 番石榴;8.longan 龙眼;9.persimmon 柿子;10.grapefruit 葡萄柚;11.muskmelon 甜瓜; 你喜欢吃哪种水果?

    【必备手机英语词汇】cell phone(美) 手机;call sb. 打电话;text/send message 发短信;Roaming 漫游;long distance call 长途电话;ringtone 铃声;Ringback music 彩铃;Call forwarding/call diverting 呼叫转移;Bluetooth 蓝牙技术;GPS 全球定位系统;SMS 短信服务;MMS 多媒体信息服务

    【Love表达】1.for love 出于喜爱 2.in love with爱上 3.love affair风流韵事 4.love at first sight一见钟情 5.love bite吻痕 4.love child私生子 5.love letter 情书 6.love match 恋爱结婚 7.love triangle三角恋爱 8.love-hate relationship爱恨交加 9.love story爱情故事

    【爱情习语大全】1. catch some1's eye 吸引某人注意力;2. have a crush on some1迷恋某人;3. have a soft spot for some1 对某人有好感;4. go out with some1=date some1和某人约会;5. be lovey-dovey 卿卿我我;6. have eyes only for只钟情于;7. fall head over heels for对...神魂颠倒

    【Weather and natural disasters天气和自然灾害】Flood: 洪水;Drought: 干旱;Famine: 饥荒;Tsunami: 海啸;Heat wave: 热浪;Blizzard: 暴风雪;Squall: 突起的暴风雨(雪);Mudslide: 泥石流;Volcanic eruption: 火山爆发;Avalanche: 雪崩...

    【各种冷】cold常用来表示冷; cool 凉爽; chilly指使哆嗦的冷;寒冷,阴冷; frosty霜;霜冻; freezing指使人僵直,有种让东西凝固的冷。 icy多指风暴、风雪和水等冷得使人感到如刺如割。 It's chilly outside; be careful not to catch cold. 外面有点冷,当心着凉。

    【口语聊天中的技巧】1. 有时候,你想说什么,可突然想不起来,你可以说well … let me see,或者just a moment,当然,有句更地道的是:It's on the tip of my tongue话到嘴边忘了。2. 交谈时转移话题不要只会说by the way,可以试试Speaking of ...说到某某,before i forget或者while i remember。

    【各种贬义称呼】dumbass 傻帽;weirdo 怪人;bummer懒鬼; cad下流; cheapskate小气鬼; chump笨蛋/傻瓜; coward胆小鬼; kidult老顽童; crook恶棍/流氓; crumb人渣; lazybones懒骨头/懒汉; trash人渣/败类/废物; dope笨蛋!dummy笨蛋!傻瓜; dweeb 白痴/笨蛋

    【感叹词】1.adorable!-可爱极了;2.amazing!-太神了;3.anytime!-随时吩咐;4.almost!-差不多了;5.awful!-好可怕啊;6.about when?-大约何时;7.all set-一切妥当;8.allow me!-让我来;9.bullshit!-胡说;10.crazy!-疯了。

    【常见裙子英文名】连衣裙 one-piece dress;超短裙 mini-skirt;百褶裙 pleated skirt;喇叭裙 flare skirt;背心裙 jumper skirt;鱼尾裙 fish tail skirt;伞裙/宽下摆女裙 Full Skirt;西服裙 tailored skirt;直筒裙 Straight Skirt;A字裙/斜裙 A-line skirt;strapless sundress 无带背心裙

    【All about eating所有关于饮食】 grocery shopping 买菜; make dinner 做饭; pack lunch 打饭盒; home cooking 家里做饭; eat out 出去吃; fast food 快餐; buffet 自助餐; dine in or take out 堂吃还是外卖; cook out 烧烤; snack 零食; junk food 垃圾食物; leftover 剩菜剩饭;

    【购物挑选衣服】1. I'd like to try this on. 我想试试这件。 2. Where's the fitting room? 试衣间在哪儿? 3. Do you have a shirt to match this? 有没有跟这件很搭的衬衫? 5. Do you have this in a larger/smaller size? 这件有没有尺寸大一些/小一点的? 6. I'll take this one

    【各种狗狗】贵宾犬 Poodle;牧羊犬 huntaway/shepherd dog;西施犬 Shih Tzu;约克夏 Yorkshire Terrier;松狮犬 Chow Chow;沙皮犬 Shar Pei;雪纳瑞 Schnauzer;金毛犬 Golden Retriever;腊肠犬 Dachshund;藏獒 Tibetan Mastiff;哈士奇 Husky;杜宾犬 Doberman

    【各种“走”】stroll 闲逛;stagger 蹒跚;pace 踱步;loiter 游荡;stride 大步行进;plod 吃力地走;stray 走失;strut 昂首阔步;ramble 漫步;lurk 潜行;creep 蹑手蹑脚;crawl 匍匐前进;stumble 跌跌撞撞;trudge 步履维艰;lurch 摇摇晃晃

    【关于视力的英语基本表达】I have myopia. 我近视眼。I have presbyopia. 我有老花眼(远视)。I am shortsighted/nearsighted. 我眼睛近视。I'm longsighted/farsighted. 我眼睛远视。句型扩展一下: I'm a little nearsighted and need to wear glasses to drive. 我有点近视,需要戴着眼镜开车。

    1970-01-01   32赞       1踩       842浏览 评论(12)
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