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    • dwelt the spirits of the gods.

    • 有守护神在保护着他们。

    • from:《幽灵公主》

    【考!考!考!】Do revision/Brush up: 复习;Cram for the exam: 临时抱佛脚;Cheat: 作弊;Crib notes: 小抄;Expelled from school: 被学校开除;Invigilator/Proctor: 监考老师;MCQs(Multiple-choice questions): 多选题;Essay questions: 问答题;Pass/Fail the exam: 通过/挂掉考试...

    【脸上的东西,你有啥?】scar疤痕;acne,pimple青春痘/粉刺 ;freckle雀斑;dark circles、black eye 黑眼圈;acne marks 暗疮印;birthmark胎记;wrinkle皱纹;wart瘊子;bruise淤青;rash疹子;tattoo纹身;blackhead黑头粉刺;callus茧子;bunion/corn鸡眼; eye boogers眼屎;hickey唇印

    【机场相关】登机手续办理 check-in;登机牌 boarding pass ;机场候机楼airport terminal;行李领取处luggage/baggage claim;国际/国内航班出港international/domestic departure;中转transfers;登机口(departure) gate;候机室departure lounge;已降落landed

    【外貌协会】1.double eyelids 双眼皮 2.turned-up nose 朝天鼻 3.straight teeth 齿如编贝 4.dark circles 黑眼圈 5.slightly built 身材苗条 6. oval face 瓜子脸 7.clean-shaven 胡子刮得很干净的 8.bloated up 臃肿


    【各种肉的表达】嫩肉 tender meat; 瘦肉 lean meat; 肥肉fat meat 或 fatty meat; 烟燻肉 smoked meat; 肉干jerky; 肉松meat floss; 烟燻肉smoked meat; 嚼不烂的肉tough meat; 香肠sausage; 罐头肉canned meat

    【伸出你的手】1.finger手指; 2.thumb大拇指; 3.index finger食指; 4.middle finger 中指; 5.ring finger 无名指 ; 6.little finger小指 ; 7.fingerprint 指纹;8.fingernail 手指甲; 9.fingertip指尖;10.manicure美甲; 11.nail polish指甲油

    【好朋友具备】a listening ear倾听心事; a warm shoulder温暖的肩膀; a helping hand 提供帮助; share everything分享一切; give good advice.提出好的建议; always tell u the truth.真诚相待; encourage each other鼓励彼此; never expect anything in return.不期望回报


    【常见香料】香料spicy;丁香Clove;茴香Fennel;迷迭香Rosemary;百里香Thyme;五香粉Chinese five spice;胡椒Pepper;辣椒Chili; 花椒peppercor;八角大料star anise孜然Cumin; 咖喱粉Curry powder;罂粟Poppy;香叶Bay leaves;香菜coriander;番茄酱tomato sauce/ketchup;麻油sesame oil;

    【各种“钱”】cash现金;buck美金;coin硬币;note纸币;banknote钞票;fund 资金;change 零钱;commission佣金;tuition学费;fare票价;admission入场费;cost成本;freight运费;postage邮费;rent租费;tip小费;red packet红包;phone bill电**。

    【形容面部特征】 beard下巴上的胡子, moustache 上唇的胡子, clean-shaven胡子刮得很干净的, stubble 胡子茬, full beard大胡子。形容头发:pigtail辫子, curly hair卷发, wavy hair卷发, straight hair直发, short hair短头发, long hair长头发,spiky hair 短而直的头发,shoulder-length hair齐肩发

    【吸引女性的11种特质,你具备哪一种?】1.自信 Confidence 2.神秘感 Mysterious 3.帅气 Good looking 4.焦点型 Center of attention 5.幽默感 Fun to be around 6.强势 Strength 7.甜言蜜语 Talking sweet 8.简单憨厚的Simple and honest 9.博学多才的Knowledgeable 10.大款 Rich 11.靠谱的 Reliable

    【饮料酒水词汇】饮料:coke 可乐;sprite 雪碧;orange juice 橙汁;soda 苏打水;coffee 咖啡;lemonade 柠檬水;juice 果汁;tea 茶;ginger ale 姜汁汽水;酒类:beer 啤酒;wine 葡萄酒;cider 苹果酒;whisky 威士忌;brandy 白兰地;rum 朗姆酒;champagne 香槟;cocktail 鸡尾酒;

    【动词+off的词组】give off 发出或放出; put off 延期; 脱去(衣、帽等); break off 折断; 突然停止; get off 动身;离开; carry off 夺去;获得;使丧命; take off 脱下;离开;起飞; cut off 切断;中断; show off 陈列;炫耀; turn off 关闭;使改变方向;

    【眼睛的表情 [阴险]各种“看”】gaze/stare:盯着看,注视;peep/peek:偷看,窥视;glance/glimpse/glom:匆匆看,一瞥;leer:用余光看,色迷迷地斜眼看;glare:瞪眼看;glower:恶狠狠地看,怒目而视;scrutinize:仔细地察看;disdain:轻蔑地看,蔑视;watch:观看;view:查看

    【医学词汇】医院hospital;诊所clinic;外伤injury;残疾disability;感染infection;综合症syndrome;专科医生medical specialist; 内科医生physician; 外科医生surgeon;药剂师pharmacist;一般医生general practitioner; 临床医师clinician;门诊病人outpatient

    【中文潮词的英文翻译】宅男宅女 homebody 或 shut-in;菜鸟 newbie/rookie/noob;纯爷们儿 macho man;大姨妈 period 或 aunt flo;山寨 knockoff/copycat;水货 smuggled goods;吃货 food junkie;电灯泡 third wheel;囧 embarrassed/awkward;牛 awesome;卖萌 acting cute

    【关于汽车的那些词】seat belts安全带;steering方向盘;windscreen挡风玻璃;bonnet catch发动机罩搭扣;horn喇叭;number plate车牌;brakes刹车; tire轮胎;suspension悬挂装置;fuel system燃油系统;exhaust排气装置;tailpipe排气管;side mirror后视镜; bumper保险杠;stoplight刹车灯

    【各种亲密关系】childhood sweetheart 青梅竹马(的人).BFF(best friends forever) / bestie 闺蜜.male bestie 男闺蜜;couple 情侣.bosom friend 知心朋友.companion 同伴.sworn brother 结拜兄弟.life partner 伴侣(常指同性伴侣).bosom friend 知心朋友. friends with benefits/booty calls 炮友


    【各种“颜色”表达】1. She is red with anger.她气得满脸通红。2. All the family is in the pink .全家人的身体都好极了。3. Do you see any green in my eye?你以为我那么好骗吗?4. You get a chance like this only once in a blue moon.这种机会真是千载难逢。

    【拒绝别人的邀请】1.I'm afraid I can't. 恐怕我不能来。2. I have things to do. 我有事情要做。3. I'm kind of busy. Maybe later. 我有点儿忙,也许以后吧。4. I'm busy right now. Sorry. 我现在很忙,抱歉。5. I can't come over right now. 我不能马上过来。

    【烹饪有关词汇】Fry油炸;Roast烘烤(肉类); Bake烘焙(面食类);Grill用(烤架)烤;decoct用少量油煎; Saute、炒;Stew焖;Simmer炖;Mash捣成泥;Brew冲泡/煮; Mince绞碎;Boil煮熟;Toast烘烤;Blanch汆烫;Steam蒸;Knead揉面; Toss翻面;Whip搅拌;Shred切丝;Dice切小块;


    【各种“坏人”英语词汇】 traitor叛徒; bandit强盗; barbarian野蛮人; terrorist恐怖分子; killer杀手; spy间谍; deserter逃兵; marplot捣乱者; burglar窃贼;cheater骗子; pirate海盗; Villain恶棍; Rogue流氓; scoundrel歹徒; Hypocrite伪君子;

    【各种运动】archery箭术;badminton 羽毛球;cricket板球;darts掷飞镖;football足球;golf高尔夫;horse racing赛马;snooker斯诺克台球;squash壁球;table tennis乒乓球;tennis网球;boxing拳击;judo柔道;rugby英式橄榄球;wrestling摔跤;kayaking皮划艇

    【损人小短句】Poser!耍大牌;stingy bastard!小气鬼;Nerd 书呆子;Same difference半斤八两;You just don't appreciate it.不识抬举;How did it come to this!岂有此理;Playing with fire 找死;Lucky bastard! 狗屎运;Don't play innocent!别装蒜;That's rubbish! 胡扯

    【巨蟹座关键词】 unsociable不爱交际的/略宅• self-sacrificing不自私的/掏心掏肺• family-oriented 顾家的/绝对贤惠• loyal忠诚的/尤其是爱情专一• possessive占有欲强的/你的就是我的 • moody喜怒无常的/说翻脸很快的• over sensitive过于敏感的/据说第六感很强•clingy 黏人的/别离开我视野

    【run的搭配】run out of 用完;run down 撞倒;使…变弱;run away 逃跑;失控;run over 辗过;匆匆浏览;run through 穿过;run out 用完;耗尽;run after 追赶;追求;run into sb. 碰到某人;run for 竞选;匆匆去取;run a risk of = at the risk of 冒着…的危险;run short of 快用完了;缺乏

    【五谷杂粮】农作物crop;小麦wheat;大麦barley;水稻rice;黑麦rye;谷物cereal grain;主食staple food;面粉flour;饲料fodder;蒸馒头steamed bread;糕饼cookie;早餐麦片breakfast cereal;高粱sorghum;谷子millets;麸bran;糠chaff;燕麦oats;小黑麦 triticale

    【用英语表达心术不正的人】1. have an ax to grind 心怀叵测 2. not have one’s heart in the right place 心术不正 3. stab in the back 背后捅刀子 4. badmouth somebody 说某人坏话 5. speak with one’s tongue in one’s cheek 假惺惺的说

    1970-01-01   25赞       1踩       570浏览 评论(17)
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