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    • Thank you Chad for those kind words

    • Chad,谢谢你的几句美言

    • from:《Ellen Page 关于同性恋演讲》

    【服务员上错菜后,肿么说?】1.This is not what I asked for.这不是我所点的。2.I don't think this is what I ordered.我不认为这是我所点的。3.I didn't order this.我没点这个。4.I'm afraid you came to the wrong table.恐怕你送错桌了。5.Isn't this somebody else's order?这不是别人点的吗?

    提拉米苏tiramisu;慕斯蛋糕mousse cake;蛋奶酥souffle;波士顿派boston cream pie;布朗尼brownie;奶酪蛋奶酥cheese souffle; 奶蛋饼custard;薄烤饼pancake;草莓奶昔strawberry milkshake;布丁pudding;奶油卷cream puff;卷蛋糕swiss roll;焦糖布丁cream caramel

    #英文吵架# What do you want? 你想怎么样? / I’ve had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。/ I'm fed up. 我受够了。/ You have a lot of nerve. 你脸皮真厚。/ How dare you! 你敢!/ Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。/ Get lost. 滚开。You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!

    【好朋友具备】a listening ear倾听心事; a warm shoulder温暖的肩膀; a helping hand 提供帮助; share everything分享一切; give good advice.提出好的建议; always tell u the truth.真诚相待; encourage each other鼓励彼此; never expect anything in return.不期望回报

    【必会的地道短句】Watch out! 当心;Bottoms up! 干杯(见底);Guess what? 猜猜看;Keep it up! 坚持下去;What's new? 有什么新鲜事吗;Count me on 算上我;Feel better? 好点了吗;That's neat. 这很好;Do l have to 非做不可吗?It’s up to you. 由你决定。You owe me one. 你欠我一个人情。

    【租房词汇】landlord 房东;tenant房客;flatmate合租者;middleman二房东;apartment公寓;semi-detached 半独立式房子;utilities 水电气暖等公共设施;furniture家具;property agency房地产中介;house leasing contract 租赁合同;deposit 定金;agency fee中介费

    各式各样的鞋子:flats平底鞋; clogs木底鞋; oxfords牛津鞋; stiletto细高跟女鞋; wedge heel坡跟鞋; platform厚底鞋; kitten heels中跟女鞋; loafers懒汉鞋 皮便鞋; sandal凉鞋 拖鞋; flip-flops人字拖; wellingtons高筒靴 高筒胶鞋;hiking boots登山鞋; high-tops高帮鞋;

    【实用口语】1.Be careful.小心,注意。2.Be my guest.请便,别客气。3.Better late than never.迟到总比不到好。4.Better luck next time.祝你下一次好运。5.Better safe than sorry.小心不出大错。6.Can I have a day off?我能请一天假吗?7.Can I help?要我帮忙吗?


    【各种"玩笑"】讲笑话 tell a joke;逗得某人捧腹大笑crack someone up ;拿某人来开玩笑 make a joke of someone;和某人闹着玩joke with someone,低级笑话off-color joke; 圈内人才懂的笑话inside joke; 黄色笑话dirty joke; 趣闻 anecdote; 俏皮话、妙语 witticism

    【各种甜品】黑森林蛋糕Black Forest Cake ;提拉米苏Tiramisu ;奶酪cheese ;蛋挞Egg tart ;吐司toast ;芒果慕斯Mango Mousse ;苹果派Apple Pie ;甜甜圈donut ;布丁pudding ;蝴蝶酥Butterfly Cracker ;奶昔milk shake ;长法棍French Baguette

    【声音】bang砰的一声;bellow吼叫/轰鸣;buzz嗡嗡; cackle咯咯叫;chime钟声;chirp鸟叫/虫鸣;clamour吵嚷;clap鼓掌;click咔哒声; crack破裂声;croak蛙鸣声;croon吟唱;crunch嘎吱嘎吱的咀嚼声;drone雄蜂嗡嗡声;echo回声;grunt嘟哝;hiccup打嗝声;honk汽车喇叭声

    【英语中最容易混淆的词汇】1、quite 相当 quiet 安静地; 2、affect v 影响,假装 effect n 结果, 影响; 3、adapt 适应 adopt 采用 adept 内行; 4、angel 天使 angle 角度; 5、contend 奋斗, 斗争 content 内容, 满足的 context 上下文 contest 竞争,比赛。哪个你经常混淆?

    【分类词汇】人的一生各个阶段Life cycle: 出生birth,童年childhood,青春期adolescence,成年adulthood,衰老ageing,寿正终寝end of life;各个阶段人的称呼:婴儿infant/baby,小孩kid/child,青少年youngsters/juvenile,青年youth,成年adult/grown-up,老年人old people/the aged

    【常用短语】1.go fifty-fifty 平分;2.head over heels 颠倒;完全地;头朝下;touch and go 快速的行动;一触即发的形势;3.beat a dead horse 白费口舌;徒劳;4.once in a blue moon 千载难逢;极为罕见;5.come in handy 迟早有用;6.rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨;7.an open book 总所周知的事;

    你想拥有哪种特质?1.faithful 忠诚;2.filial piety 孝顺;3.romantic 浪漫;4.educated 受过良好教育;5.understanding 善解人意;6.smart 聪明;7.good-looking 漂亮;8.diamond bachelor 有钱的;9.compassionate 有同情心;10.responsible 负责任;11.mature 成熟;12.humorous 幽默

    【如何英文劝架】1. Would you please stop it? 你们能不能消停一下? 2. Why don't you guys cool down / chill out? 你们能不能先冷静一下? 3. Hey, listen, let's just chill out and talk about this. 嘿,听着,咱们先冷静一下,然后好好谈下这事。 4. That's enough! You two! 够了!你们俩!

    【各种不好心情】1. I'm so depressed. 我很郁闷。 2. I feel so upset. 我觉得和沮丧。3.I'm in a bad mood today. 我今天心情不好。4. I'm moody today. 我今天心情不好。5. I feel low today. 我心情有点低落。6. I'm so down. 我心情很低落。7. I'm not in the mood. 我没有心情。

    【由起床而划分社会阶层】五点民工migrant worker,六点学生student,七点蓝领blue-collar,八点白领white-collar ,九点商人 businessman,十点老板boss,十一点文人scholar,十二点艺人artist,十三点小 姐 bargirl ,除去自由职业者 Freelance 。亲们,你都几点起床?

    【经常被误解的词语】1.personal remark 人身攻击(不是"个人评论")2.confidence man 骗子(不是"信得过的人")3.rest room 厕所(不是"休息室")4.sporting house 妓院(不是"体育室")5.black art 妖术(不是"黑色艺术")6.Chinese dragon 麒麟(不是"中国龙")7.eleventh hour 最后时刻(不是"十一点")

    【让别人"停止解释"】1.No more excuses! 别再辩解了!2.Don't make any excuses! 不要再找借口了。3.Don't give me excuses.不要再找借口了。4.I've heard enough of your excuses. 我不想再听你的辩解了。5.I don't want to hear any excuses. 我不想听任何解释。 6.Just drop it.不要再说了。

    【“沉默”的词汇】1.silent 沉默的;寂静的;2.wordless 沉默的;无言的;3.mute 沉默的;无声的;4.dumb 沉默的;无说话能力的;5.voiceless 无声的;沉默的;6.reticent 沉默的;7.incommunicative 沉默寡言的;不爱说话的;8.taciturn 沉默寡言的;无言的;9.mum 沉默的;无言的 ;

    【“生气”短语】1. be furious with对...大发雷霆; 2. get mad at对...生气;get angry at 对...生气; 3. piss someone off 惹某人十分的生气; 4. get on one's nerves令人不安;5. lose one's rag 发脾气,忍耐不住; 6. lose your cool失去了冷静; 7. blow a fuse勃然大怒;

    【七夕】Qixi Festival / Chinese Valentine's Day 七夕节;seven celestial princesses 七仙女;Altair 牛郎星/牵牛星;the Queen of Heaven 王母娘娘;the Emperor of Heaven 玉皇大帝;mundane life 凡间生活;heavenly palace 天宫 via

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