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    • I feel certain that I am going mad again.

    • 我很确信我又将精神崩溃。

    • from:《时时刻刻》

    【数字英语】1.one and only独一无二的;2.two-timer出轨者;3.three handkerchief伤感剧;4.four-letter word脏话;5.the five wits智力;6&7.at sixes and sevens乱七八糟;8.behind the eighth ball处境危险;9.a cat with nine lives富有生命力的人;10.Take ten!休息10分钟/稍事休息 。

    【音译词】model 模特;bikini 比基尼;disco 迪斯科;fans 粉丝;sofa 沙发;copy 拷贝;humor 幽默;chocolate 巧克力;coffee 咖啡;logic 逻辑;mango 芒果;lemon 柠檬;lychee 荔枝;pizza 披萨;yoga 瑜伽;hacker 黑客;hormone 荷尔蒙。

    【鼓励的话】1.You’re really working hard today.你今天很努力! 2.Keep up the good work.继续加油努力。 3.You are doing that much better today.今天你做得好多了。 4.That’s how to handle that!就是这样搞。 5.That was first class work.做得真棒!

    【常见烹调用具】spatula炒菜勺子;ladle长柄汤勺;can opener开罐器;casserole煲;cheese slicer奶酪切片器;pepper mill胡椒研磨器;potato masher土豆压碎器;potato peeler土豆削皮器;salt shaker盐罐;slotted spoon漏勺;spatula锅铲;whisk搅拌器;cutting board 切菜板; eggbeater打蛋器

    【三个单词说地道口语】1.气死我了!Tick me off!2.太过分了!That s too much!3.你开玩笑呢吧?Are you kidding?4.我不知道。I ve no idea 5.别逼我!Don t push me!6.一言为定!It s a deal!7.我也是这么认为的。You said it。

    【交通禁止标志】1. No joywalking禁闯红灯; 2. No Parking禁止停车; 3. No Entry不准入内; 4. Keep Right不准左转; 5. Keep Left不准右转; 6. No Turns不准掉头; 7. No PassingNo Through Traffic禁止通行; 8. No honking禁鸣喇叭; 9. No Waiting不准等候


    【“生气”短语】1. be furious with对...大发雷霆; 2. get mad at对...生气;get angry at 对...生气; 3. piss someone off 惹某人十分的生气; 4. get on one's nerves令人不安;5. lose one's rag 发脾气,忍耐不住; 6. lose your cool失去了冷静; 7. blow a fuse勃然大怒;

    【“沉默”的词汇】1.silent 沉默的;寂静的;2.wordless 沉默的;无言的;3.mute 沉默的;无声的;4.dumb 沉默的;无说话能力的;5.voiceless 无声的;沉默的;6.reticent 沉默的;7.incommunicative 沉默寡言的;不爱说话的;8.taciturn 沉默寡言的;无言的;9.mum 沉默的;无言的 ;

    【如何英文劝架】1. Would you please stop it? 你们能不能消停一下? 2. Why don't you guys cool down / chill out? 你们能不能先冷静一下? 3. Hey, listen, let's just chill out and talk about this. 嘿,听着,咱们先冷静一下,然后好好谈下这事。 4. That's enough! You two! 够了!你们俩!

    你想拥有哪种特质?1.faithful 忠诚;2.filial piety 孝顺;3.romantic 浪漫;4.educated 受过良好教育;5.understanding 善解人意;6.smart 聪明;7.good-looking 漂亮;8.diamond bachelor 有钱的;9.compassionate 有同情心;10.responsible 负责任;11.mature 成熟;12.humorous 幽默

    【常用短语】1.go fifty-fifty 平分;2.head over heels 颠倒;完全地;头朝下;touch and go 快速的行动;一触即发的形势;3.beat a dead horse 白费口舌;徒劳;4.once in a blue moon 千载难逢;极为罕见;5.come in handy 迟早有用;6.rain cats and dogs 倾盆大雨;7.an open book 总所周知的事;

    【各种坏脾气】1. cranky 暴躁的;脾气坏的;2. temperamental 易激动的;喜怒无常的;3. uptight 易怒的;气愤的;4. moody 喜怒无常的;易怒的;5. grumpy 脾气暴躁的;性情暴躁的;6. edgy 急躁的;易怒的;7. touchy 易生气的;敏感的;8. irritable 易怒的;急躁的;

    【恋爱的各个阶段】1) puppy love初恋 2) hit it off 相处得好/合得来 3) distance relationship 异地恋4) fall head over heels爱到死心塌地 5)whirlwind romance 闪电恋 6)pop the question求婚 7) tie the knot结婚 8) settle down 成家

    Black tea 红茶;Black art 妖术;Black stranger 完全陌生的人;White coal (作动力来源用的)水;White man 忠实可靠的人;White lie善意的谎言;Yellow book 黄皮书(法国政府的报告书);Red tape 官僚习气;Green hand 新手   

    【医院必备词汇】挂号-register;打针-injection,动词inject;手术-operation;体检-check-up;验血-blood test;会诊-consultation[,kɔnsəl'teiʃən];病例-medical record;处方-prescription[pris'kripʃən];纱布-gauze[ɡɔ:z];担架-stretcher['stretʃə];X光-X-Ray;药店、药房-Pharmacy 临床医师clinician;门诊病人outpatient;诊所clinic;外伤injury;感染infection;综合症syndrome;体检也叫 annual physical, 或者简称 physical. immunization 免疫;flu shot 流感疫苗。

    【如何形容''简单''】1)It's really simple/It is a snap.很简单。2)Kid's play 小儿科。3)It's a piece of cake!小菜一碟!4)It's as easy as pie.真是易如反掌。5)It's no big deal! 沒什么大不了的!6)That's no sweat at all! 轻而易举的事。7)Nothing to it!不费事8)It's a cinch.小事一桩。

    【标点符号英文】逗号comma;句号period/full stop;分号semicolon;省略号ellipsis;冒号colon;星号asterisk;双引号quotation marks;单引号single quotation marks;破折号dash;圆括号parentheses;斜线符号slash;惊叹号exclamation mark;问号question mark;方括号square brackets

    【女性十大口头禅】1.Fine. 好吧。2.Five minutes.五分钟就好。3.Nothing.没什么。4.Go ahead.往下说。5.Leave me alone.我想一个人静一静。6.That's Okay.还好啦。7.So?那又怎样?8.Whatever.随便。9.Don't worry about it, I got it.别担心,我知道了。10.So cute.好可爱

    【各种微笑表达】 1.crack a smile 展颜微笑,莞尔一笑 2. laugh a hearty laugh/laugh heartily 放声大笑,开怀大笑 3.force a smile 强作欢颜 4.saccharine smile 谄笑,谄媚的笑 5.smile bitterly 苦笑

    【SAT 数学词汇】radii半径;coordinate坐标;addition加法;subtraction减法;multiplication乘法;division除法;intersect相交;quadrilateral四边形;parallel平行; remainder余数 ;factorial阶乘;root sign根号; exponent指数 幂; factorization因式分解

    【三围的表达】三围英文表达是(BWH) three sizes/vital statistics 即胸部 breast/bust、腰部waist与臀部hip,单位通常为英寸in inches或厘米in centimeters;胸部丰满是bustier,腰部纤细是hourglass,臀部丰满是hippier,平胸的女人(飞机场)是flat/small-chested。波霸就是busty/large breasts。

    1970-01-01   31赞       0踩       552浏览 评论(15)
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