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    • I almost fell down a well yesterday, Mom.

    • 昨天我差点掉下井,妈妈。

    • from:《鬼妈妈》

    【这些短句要慎用】1、fuck off.滚开! 2、 Talk is cheap. Put up or shut up! 光说有个毛用?要么去做,要么闭嘴。3、Shut the fuck up! 你TM给我闭嘴! 4、You are dead meat.你丫死定了 5、Nonsense! 鬼话! 6、Walk away!走开!7.You are such a jerk!你丫真是个混蛋!

    车相关#词语#milometer 里程表;engine 发动机;rear-view mirror 后视镜;reverse 倒车档;tailpipe 排气管;spare wheel 备用轮胎 steering wheel 方向盘;bumper 保险杠;head light 车头灯;indicator 方向灯;windshield 挡风玻璃;dashboard 汽车仪表盘;

    【电视节目词汇集】 电视节目的英语是television program 或television show; 季(部)season; 集episode; 字幕subtitles; 黄金时段prime-time; 预告片 trailer; 肥皂剧soap opera; 电视剧TV drama ; 演员 actors ; 女演员actress; 角色characters; 情节plot;美剧series

    #滚起来背单词#【各种动物】rhinoceros 犀牛;chimpanzee 黑猩猩;baboon 狒狒;gorilla 大猩猩;giraffe 长颈鹿;elephant 大象;lion 狮子;leopard 豹子;bear 熊;camel 骆驼;fox 狐狸;wolf 狼;tiger 老虎;lizard蜥蜴;snake 蛇;chameleon变色龙;bat蝙蝠;tortoise龟;zebra斑马;

    【你是哪种人?】1. the new kid on the block 新手;2.sore loser 输不起的人;3.drama queen 喜欢小题大做的人;4. party pooper 扫兴的人;5.neat freak 有洁癖的人;6. shrinking violet 畏首畏尾的人;7.pack rat 不可靠的人;8.backseat driver 爱指手划脚的人;9.foodie 吃货 ;美食家;

    【如何表达错误】1)I thought you were someone else. 我以为你是另一个人。 2)I misunderstood what you meant. 我误会你的意思了。 3)I said something I shouldn’t have. 我说了不该说的话。 4)I was wrong. 我错了。 5)I made a mistake. 我犯了一个错误。 6)It’s my fault. 那是我的错

    【美剧口语】①I'm out.我不干了.②I got a bone to pick with you.我对你有意见.③You always get your way.你一直为所欲为.④It's close.差不多.⑤Knock yourself out.请便吧.⑥Whatever you like.随你喜欢.⑦Stop being crazy for a second.先别发疯.⑧Let's be reasonable.理智点.—《生活大爆炸》

    【“吓死人了”怎么说】1. be scared to death 吓得要死,I was scared to death吓屎我了;2. make one's blood run cold 吓得手脚冰凉、魂不附体,不寒而栗,the sound made my blood run cold那声音让我不寒而栗;3. make hair stand on end 毛骨悚然,that movie made my hair stand on end.

    【酒店预定词汇】1.room reservation预订房间; 2.check-in 住宿登记; 3.c heck-out退房; 4.hotel rates房价; 5.standard rate 标准价;6.lowest price最低价; 7.single room单人间; 8.double room双人间; 9.deluxe suite 豪华套房; 10.Presidential suite 总统套房;11. room service客房服务

    【难记难读的单词】chutzpah 肆无忌惮; evanescence 瞬息; vendetta 仇杀; nostalgia 怀旧; consummate 至臻的; relinquish 弃; forsake 断念; triumph 凯旋; solstice 至点; vandalize 蓄意破坏; eternity 永恒; graffiti 写意涂鸦 hallucination 幻象; charisma 精气神;

    【“不确定”时,说】 1)I don't know.我不知道。 2)I'm not sure.我不确定。 3)Who knows? 谁知道啊? 4)Don't ask me! 别问我! 5) It's not certain. 还不确定。 6) It hasn't been decided yet. 还没有决定呢。 7)It's not clear. 事情还未明朗。 8) It's hard to say. 很难说

    【关于工资】pay, wage, salary 工资; minimum wage 最低工资; gross/real wages 全部/实际收入; monthly/weekly/hourly wages 月/周/时薪; wage ceiling 工资上限; premium, bonus, extra pay 奖励; payday 付薪日; pay slip/payroll 工资单; old-age pension 退休金,养老金

    【"小气鬼"口语说】吝啬鬼是skinflint 1.He is a very stingy person.他是个很小气的人。 2. What a miser! 真是个吝啬鬼! 3.He's not a generous person.他不是个大方的人。 4.You're such a tightwad.你真是个小气鬼。 5.This guy is a skinflint. 这家伙是个一毛不拔的人。

    【nose地道表达】Roman nose高鼻梁; nose is bleeding 流鼻血; nose is running流鼻水;a runny nose鼻涕;follow your nose 凭直觉行事/跟着感觉走;pay through the nose付出高昂代价;lead by the nose 牵着鼻子走;hold your nose 捏住鼻子;nose around 到处打听。

    【服务员上错菜后,肿么说?】1.This is not what I asked for.这不是我所点的。2.I don't think this is what I ordered.我不认为这是我所点的。3.I didn't order this.我没点这个。4.I'm afraid you came to the wrong table.恐怕你送错桌了。5.Isn't this somebody else's order?这不是别人点的吗?

    【三字短语】1.black and white 白纸黑字 2.ins and outs复杂细节 来龙去脉 3.kiss and tell泄漏秘密 违背诺言 4.odds and ends 零星杂物5.pros and cons 赞成和反对 有利有弊6.rights and wrongs 事情的真相7.tried and tested 经过反复考验的 8.ups and downs跌宕起伏9.back and forth 来回地 反复地

    【鼓励的话】1.You’re really working hard today.你今天很努力! 2.Keep up the good work.继续加油努力。 3.You are doing that much better today.今天你做得好多了。 4.That’s how to handle that!就是这样搞。 5.That was first class work.做得真棒!

    【语言的N种表达】俚语slang;习语idiom;淫秽的语言obscene language; 隐语shadow language;禁忌的语言tabooed words;粗俗话vulgar;方言dialect;敏感词sensitive words;侮辱性语言abusive language;中立语言inclusive language;美语American English;脏话dirty words 图中的单词认识几个呢?

    【身体各部位】forehead额头; temple太阳穴;cheek脸颊;nose鼻子;mouth嘴;lip嘴唇;throat喉咙;tooth牙齿;tongue舌头;neck脖子;brain脑;navel肚脐;abdomen腹部;shoulder肩;waist腰部;thigh大腿;lung肺;stomach胃;elbow肘;calf小腿肚;toe脚趾;sole脚底

    【各种各样的人】 an Indian giver 送东西给人然后又往回要的人;dirty old man 老色鬼;weirdo怪人;cheapskate小气的人;yellow-belly/coward胆小鬼;snob 自负的人;fossil古板的人;a wet blanket 扫兴的人;bully 恃强欺弱的人;mall rat 喜欢逛购物中心的年轻人;drama queen 喜欢小题大作的人

    【各种运动】archery箭术;badminton 羽毛球;cricket板球;darts掷飞镖;football足球;golf高尔夫;horse racing赛马;snooker斯诺克台球;squash壁球;table tennis乒乓球;tennis网球;boxing拳击;judo柔道;rugby英式橄榄球;wrestling摔跤;kayaking皮划艇

    【各种conference的表达】 parent-teacher conference家长会; academic conference学术会议; business conference商务会议; settlement conference 和解会议; News conference新闻发布会; conference call电话会议; conference hall会议厅; conference agenda会议议程。

    【关系状态】single 单身; engaged 订婚; married已婚; widowed丧偶; divorced 离婚; separated 分居; be living together 同居; spouse 伴侣; In a relationship有对象; It's complicated说不清; In an open relationship有对象,但开放; In a civil union已婚同性恋

    【地道短句】1.All set.都准备好了。2.Show time!开始啦!3.Wait up.等等。4.About time.是时候了。5.Not ever.从来不。6.Hush hush.安静。7.No class.没水准。8.You fool.你这个笨蛋。9.Where to?上哪儿?10.My bad.我的错。11.Don't flatter yourself!你少臭美了!

    【提升英语 精读制胜】extravaganza狂想曲; amusement park游乐场; skating rink溜冰场; caused concern造成忧虑; matinee performances午后演出; variety show多样化的表演; day to day running日常运营; picnic ban rules禁止野餐规定; negative speculation负面推测

    【动词+off的词组】give off 发出或放出; put off 延期; 脱去(衣、帽等); break off 折断; 突然停止; get off 动身;离开; carry off 夺去;获得;使丧命; take off 脱下;离开;起飞; cut off 切断;中断; show off 陈列;炫耀; turn off 关闭;使改变方向;

    【心情词汇】EMBARRASSED尴尬 ashamed惭愧 flustered慌张 guilty内疚 agony苦恼 heartbroken伤心 miserable悲惨 depressed沮丧 discouraged气馁 melancholy忧郁 jealous嫉妒 insecure不安全 leery狡猾 reserved冷淡 sensitive敏感 anxious焦虑 cranky暴躁 distraught心烦意乱 stressed out紧张有压力

    【K歌必备的口语表达】1. Let's go to karaoke我们去唱K吧。2. I'd like to request a song我想点首歌。3.How about a song?你来唱一首吧。4.What are you going to sing你想唱什么歌?5.Let's sing a duet来个二重唱吧。6.I'm tone-deaf我五音不全。7.It's my turn该我了。

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