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    • I feel we can't go through another of these terrible times, and I...

    • 我觉得我们无法在一次次地崩溃后承受再一次的打击,并且这次...

    • from:《时时刻刻》

    【跟钱有关表达】1. spend money like water 花钱如流水;2. money makes the world go around. 有钱能使鬼推磨;3. Money is the root of all evil. 钱是万恶之源;4. be rolling in money/it (在钱里打滚)超级有钱;例句:If they can afford a private plane, they must be rolling in it.
    I'm running low on cash.我最近比较缺钱;I blew 50 grand last night.昨晚我挥霍了5万美金;do you want me to spot you?要我借钱给你吗?
    save for a rainy day. 存钱以备不时之需。I've saved some money for a rainy day. 我存了点钱,以备不时之需.

    喜欢1) one's cup of tea 喜欢。Fishing is not my cup of tea. 我不喜欢钓鱼。2) one's thing. Ice cream is her thing. 她喜欢吃冰激凌。3) have a thing for 喜欢。He has a thing for red heads. 他喜欢红头发女孩。

    Pardon?什么,再说一遍;Whatever不在乎;Lift a finger举手之劳;I see我明白;Not bad还不错;Allow me让我来;Hold on等一等;Let go放手;Me too我也是;joke's on you可笑的是你

    恋爱1.fall in love坠入爱河 2.It's over/You and I are through.我们之间结束了 3.break up with me跟我分手 4. She dumped me.她把我甩了 5.get back together和好 6.She's out of my league/She's too good for me我配不上她

    【标点符号】 ①apostrophe上撇号②square brackets方括号③colon冒号④comma逗号⑤dash破折号⑥ellipsis省略号⑦exclamation point感叹号⑧hyphen连字符⑨parentheses圆括号⑩period句号⑪question mark问号⑫quotation mark引号⑬semicolon分号

    穿着相关的口语 1.Hats off to you向你致敬 2.I got ants in my pants我感觉不自在 3.You smarty pants!你这个自作聪明的家伙 4.She's the one wearing the pants她们家她说了算 5.If you were in my shoes如果你站在我的角度考虑的话

    少形,形容人显得年轻。you don't look your age. 你看起来可没那么大年纪。you look at least 10 years younger than your age. 你看起来起码比实际年龄小十岁。you've aged well. 你真不显老。What's your secret? How do you grow younger? 你的秘诀是什么?怎么能逆生长呢?
    1.chicken out胆小退缩 2.chicken胆小鬼 3.pig out大吃大喝 4.When pigs fly!永远不可能 5.rat me out出卖我 6.rat叛徒 7.dog-tired累得跟狗一样 8.doggy bag打包袋 9.horn-dog色狼 10.let the cat out of the bag不小心泄漏秘密

    【各种"纸"的表达】 一张纸a piece of paper;餐巾纸napkin; 卫生纸(厕所用) toilet paper; 吸油 (面) 纸 oil blotting/absorbing paper;笔记纸notepaper;信纸writing paper草稿纸scratch paper;复写纸 carbon paper;废纸 scrap paper; 礼品包装纸 wrapping/gift paper; 面纸 (facial)tissue

    【加油的几种表达】1) Go! Go! Go! 还有Come on! 2)Go for it! 3)Don't give up! 4)Hang in there! 5)Cheer up! 当朋友因为某事而垂头丧气时,你可以用Cheer up!来鼓励他,表示「加油!振作一点!高兴一点!笑一笑吧!的意思。 6)You can do it! 7)Just do it! 8)Let's go! Let's go!

    【眼镜的种类】 老花镜 Presbyopia; 太阳镜 sunglasses; 眼镜eyeglasses(spectacles or specs非正式) ; 隐形眼镜 contact lens; 无框眼镜 rimless glasses;护目镜 goggles/safety glasses; 泳镜 swimming goggles; 滑雪眼镜 skiing goggles; 3D眼镜 3D(three dimensional) glasses

    【镜子的种类】哈哈镜distorting mirror; 望远镜telescope; 显微镜microscope; 反光镜reflector; 凹面镜/凸面镜concave /convex mirror; 后视镜rearview mirror; 放大镜magnifying glass; 平面镜plane mirror; 近视镜short-sighted mirror ; 化妆镜cosmetic/make-up mirror

    【take常用词组】take charge 掌管;take over 接管;take back 收回,撤销;take down 记下,拿下;take off 起飞,离开;take a chance 冒险;take place 发生;take up 开始从事;take part in 参加,参与;take away 带走,拿走;take apart 拆开;take in 接受,理解;take effect 生效

    『关于熬夜』补充:Stay up all night通宵不睡 ;sit up 熬夜 ; 例:1)Don't stay up so late, u have to go to work tomorrow.不要睡得太晚,你明天还得工作。2)We sat up all night to. surf the internet.我们一整夜都在上网. U look tired. Did u stay up late last night? 你昨天很晚才睡吗(其实在书面用语中用remain up表示)

    【地道美国俚语】1.Take a hike.哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去。2.Get over yourself.别自以为是。3.No big talk with me, I have your number.别跟我瞎吹了,我又不是不了解你底细。4.Why should you always like to rib others?你为什么总拿别人开心?5.I wouldn't freeload.我可不愿意白吃白喝别人。
    1. I'm hard up.我经济很困难。2. He's a brain.他可是个有头脑的人。3. In doing we learn.经一事,长一智。4. It's full of hot air. 这是雷声大雨点小。5.Don't nag me!别在我面前唠叨!6.Let bygones be bygones. 让过去的过去吧。

    【18个办公室物品词汇扫盲】whiteboard marker白板笔;projector投影仪;noticeboard布告牌;calculator计算器;punch打孔器;printer打印机;photocopier复印机;pencil sharpener铅笔刀;filing cabinet文件柜;stationery cupboard文具柜;paper shredder碎纸机;whiteboard白板……

    【take常用词组】take charge 掌管;take over 接管;take back 收回,撤销;take down 记下,拿下;take off 起飞,离开;take a chance 冒险;take place 发生;take up 开始从事;take part in 参加,参与;take away 带走,拿走;take apart 拆开;take in 接受,理解;take effect 生效

    【镜子的种类】哈哈镜distorting mirror; 望远镜telescope; 显微镜microscope; 反光镜reflector; 凹面镜/凸面镜concave /convex mirror; 后视镜rearview mirror; 放大镜magnifying glass; 平面镜plane mirror; 近视镜short-sighted mirror ; 化妆镜cosmetic/make-up mirror;

    【眼镜的种类】 老花镜 Presbyopia; 太阳镜 sunglasses; 眼镜eyeglasses(spectacles or specs非正式) ; 隐形眼镜 contact lens; 无框眼镜 rimless glasses;护目镜 goggles/safety glasses; 泳镜 swimming goggles; 滑雪眼镜 skiing goggles; 3D眼镜 3D(three dimensional) glasses

    【加油的几种表达】1) Go! Go! Go! 还有Come on! 2)Go for it! 3)Don't give up! 4)Hang in there! 5)Cheer up! 当朋友因为某事而垂头丧气时,你可以用Cheer up!来鼓励他,表示「加油!振作一点!高兴一点!笑一笑吧!的意思。 6)You can do it! 7)Just do it! 8)Let's go! Let's go!

    【各种"纸"的表达】 一张纸a piece of paper;餐巾纸napkin; 卫生纸(厕所用) toilet paper; 吸油 (面) 纸 oil blotting/absorbing paper;笔记纸notepaper;信纸writing paper草稿纸scratch paper;复写纸 carbon paper;废纸 scrap paper; 礼品包装纸 wrapping/gift paper; 面纸 (facial)tissue

    【心情词汇】EMBARRASSED尴尬 ashamed惭愧 flustered慌张 guilty内疚 agony苦恼 heartbroken伤心 miserable悲惨 depressed沮丧 discouraged气馁 melancholy忧郁 jealous嫉妒 insecure不安全 leery狡猾 reserved冷淡 sensitive敏感 anxious焦虑 cranky暴躁 distraught心烦意乱 stressed out紧张有压力

    【动词+off的词组】give off 发出或放出; put off 延期; 脱去(衣、帽等); break off 折断; 突然停止; get off 动身;离开; carry off 夺去;获得;使丧命; take off 脱下;离开;起飞; cut off 切断;中断; show off 陈列;炫耀; turn off 关闭;使改变方向;

    【提升英语 精读制胜】extravaganza狂想曲; amusement park游乐场; skating rink溜冰场; caused concern造成忧虑; matinee performances午后演出; variety show多样化的表演; day to day running日常运营; picnic ban rules禁止野餐规定; negative speculation负面推测

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