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    • These walls and all these picture frames

    • 墙面连同照片,上面每个名字

    • from:《不说再见》

    【中国成语的英文表述】一筹莫展be at one's wit's end/can find no way out; 一览无遗in full view/command a bird's eye view;一窍不通be Greek to me/be a total greenhorn; 十全十美 leave nothing to be desired/all as it should be; 十拿九稳 have...in the bag。一起来造句吧,这样印象才会深~

    【与美食有关的短语】1. soup up 加大马力; 2. a piece of cake 小菜一碟; 3. couch potato 电视迷; 4. the apple of one's eye 掌上明珠; 5. full of beans 精力旺盛,生龙活虎; 6. in a nutshell 简而言之; 7. (as) cool as a cucumber 泰然自若,极为冷静 8. be garlic for dessert最不受欢迎的东西 9. know one's onions 内行 10. gammon and spinach 胡说八道

    〖接力〗豆苗pea sprouts; 山药yam; 南瓜pumpkin; 菜豆kidney bean; 扁豆lentil;蘑菇mushroom; 菠菜spinach; 白菜cabbage; 白萝卜turnip; 胡萝卜carrot; 西红柿 tomato;洋葱 onion;金针菇 enoki mushroom/needle mushroom ;生菜lettuce;西葫芦zucchini / courgette;豌豆pea; 蕨菜 fiddleheads

    【“择偶标准”】humorous 幽默的;understanding 善解人意的; intelligent/smart 聪明的;good-looking 漂亮的;faithful 忠诚的;filial piety 孝顺;romantic 浪漫的; thoughtful/considerate 体贴的;responsible 有负责的;mature 成熟的;。

    【吸引女性的11种特质,你具备哪一种?】1.自信 Confidence 2.神秘感 Mysterious 3.帅气 Good looking 4.焦点型 Center of attention 5.幽默感 Fun to be around 6.强势 Strength 7.甜言蜜语 Talking sweet 8.简单憨厚的Simple and honest 9.博学多才的Knowledgeable 10.大款 Rich 11.靠谱的 Reliable

    【饮料酒水词汇】饮料:coke 可乐;sprite 雪碧;orange juice 橙汁;soda 苏打水;coffee 咖啡;lemonade 柠檬水;juice 果汁;tea 茶;ginger ale 姜汁汽水;酒类:beer 啤酒;wine 葡萄酒;cider 苹果酒;whisky 威士忌;brandy 白兰地;rum 朗姆酒;champagne 香槟;cocktail 鸡尾酒;

    【有钱的程度大致排序】1. filthy sticking rich 或者 rolling in the dough (rolling in it) 超级有钱,钱多的不行;2. loaded 很富有的,high roller 富豪、土豪;3. well-off 手头宽裕,但不是很有钱,也就是fairly rich;4. live from paycheck to paycheck 月光族;5. broke 破产,身无分文

    【“stand”在口语中的词组用法】1.stand out突出/显眼/引人注目; 2.stand by准备/站在旁边; 3.stand for代表/象征; 4.stand in替身演员; 5.stand off疏远/远离/避开 ; 6.stand on基于/取决于/依靠 ; 7.stand over延期/监督; 8.stand to遵守 ; 9.stand up站起来; 10.stand up for支持/拥护/捍卫

    【汽车装备词汇】license plate number车号牌; bumper保险杠; steering wheel方向盘; side mirror后视镜; backup light/reversing light倒车灯; stoplight/stop lam ...

    【离婚相关的表达】separate分居; marital discord婚姻不和; domestic violence(abuse)家暴; extramarital affair婚外情; adultery通姦; divorce settlement离婚协议;

    【公司部门和职务名称汇总】1)仓储部Warehouse department; 2)产品开发部Product Development~; 3)人力资源部Human Resources~; 4)品管部Quality Control~; 5)财务部financial~; 6)采购部Procurement~; 7)Manufacturing~生产部; 8)企划部Planning~; 9)Program~项目部; 10)Marketing~市场部.

    【独特的个性】忠诚loyal;乐观optimistic;悲观pessimistic;内向introverted;外向extroverted;风趣witty;谨慎cautious;感性 emotional;理性rational;优雅elegant;随和easy-going;含蓄reserved;慷慨generous;果断decisive;忍耐patient;稳重stable

    【吃货必备】吃点东西have something to eat;狼吞虎咽的吃chow down on;主食staple food;咀嚼 chew;吞咽 swallow;吃得太多 overeat;吃得很少eat like a bird;随便吃几口垫垫肚子grab a bite;节食be on a diet;绝食be on a hunger strike;我吃饱了 I’ve had enough/I’m full

    【烹饪食谱】★宫保鸡丁Kung Pao chicken★ 材料(ingredients): 鸡肉chicken;黑酱油/老抽dark soy sauce; 太**cornstarch; 干辣椒dried chillies;葱spring onion; 蒜瓣garlic; 花椒peppercorn; 姜ginger; 糖sugar;酒wine;炒熟花生toasted peanuts;腰果cashew nut;

    【空难主题】Indonesian military transport plane crashes/印尼军机坠毁。air plane crash/坠机;crash/plow into the sea/land/坠入/一头撞向大海/地面;no one survived/无人生还;survivors are rushed to hospital/生还者送往医院急救;wreckage/残骸;C-130 Hercule/大力神

    【机场常见词汇】登机手续办理 check-in;登机牌 boarding pass ;机场候机楼airport terminal;行李领取处luggage/baggage claim;国际/国内航班出港international/domestic departure;中转transfers;登机口(departure) gate;候机室departure lounge;已降落landed;延误delayed

    【托福SAT考过的树木及相关词汇2】☻树干trunk;☻树皮bark;☻树枝branch;☻大树枝bough*;☻小树枝twig;☻根root;☻主根 taproot;☻树苗sapling;☻树桩 stump* ;☻树脂 resin; ☻年轮annual ring ;☻木材 timber/ lumber。*为SAT词汇. ——统计于托福TPO34套真题和SAT60套真题。

    【给有孩子的妈妈教两句有用英语】inflatable playground=bounce house=moonwalks=充气城堡,儿童乐园;slide/滑滑梯;go sliding/玩滑滑梯;obstscle course/充气障碍跑道;the kids are having fun in the inflatable playground/孩子在乐园里玩得真开心。

    【难记难读的单词】chutzpah 肆无忌惮; evanescence 瞬息; vendetta 仇杀; nostalgia 怀旧; consummate 至臻的; relinquish 弃; forsake 断念; triumph 凯旋; solstice 至点; vandalize 蓄意破坏; eternity 永恒; graffiti 写意涂鸦 hallucination 幻象; charisma 精气神;

    【美剧高频词】1.Nailed it. 搞定了 2.buckle up系好安全带 3.kill me. 受不了 4.Just one more bite. 吃一口 5.coming right up. 马上就来 6.get in line.去排队 7.here‘s the deal.事情是这样的(句首) 8. that's not it.不是那么回事 9.I dare you看你敢不敢 10. Drop dead.去死吧。

    cigarette香烟;smoking吸烟;tobacco leaf烟叶;tobacco blend烟丝;cigarette holder烟嘴;filter过滤嘴;cigarette butt烟头;ash烟灰;ashtray 烟灰缸;soft pack(box)软包装香烟;hard pack硬包装香烟;rolling paper 卷烟纸;second-hand smoke二手烟

    【时间相关】Time is money.一寸光阴一寸金。Time flies.光阴似箭,日月如梭Time has wings.光阴去如飞。Time is a file that wears and makes no noise.光阴如锉,细磨无声。Time flies like an arrow , and time lost never returns.光阴似箭,一去不返。Time and tide wait for no man.岁月不待人。

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