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    • from:《不说再见》

    【关于赖床】Wake up VS. Get up 有什么区别?醒 VS. 起床 ① 赖床:"Stay in bed",如:I like to stay in bed 我喜欢赖床 ② 睡懒觉:"Sleep in",如:I never sleep in 我从不睡懒觉 ③ 睡过头:"Oversleep",如:I always oversleep 我每次都睡过头。I overslept for work/class/my appointment.

    【痒】"Itches" 还是 "Itchy"?都行。用法不一样:The mosquito bite itches / The mosquito bite is itchy 蚊子咬的好痒。Does it itch / Is it itchy 痒吗?It itches so much / It is very itchy 很痒

    【休假】正在休某假的时候用英语怎么说?首先记住 "I'm on __ leave",不要光记单词。① 年:Annual ② 病:Sick ③ 产:Maternity(女)/ paternity(男)。I'm on sick leave。造句时完整点,后面加个 for X days/months。I'm on annual leave for 2 weeks 在休年假,2周。Maternity leave, 4 months

    【奶奶还是外婆】在美国日常生活中奶奶外婆都用 Grandmother(口语:grandma, nana, granny)。那怎么区分呢?"Maternal / Paternal" 外婆/奶奶。She's my paternal grandma 奶奶。Maternal grandpa 外公。一种比较常听到的:"On my mother's / father's side"。My grandpa on my father's side 爷爷。

    【偷懒】老美年轻人想到偷懒,第一反应是 "Slack off"(口语),这太实用,很多情景下都可以实用。Stop slacking off(slacking 这个形式最长见)。I'm not slacking off, I'm doing my homework 我没偷懒,我在做作业。Are you slacking off at work 你在公司偷懒 No, I never slack off.

    【我】"Yours Truly" -- Me / I 的意思,比较好玩的说法。用法独特,通常都是简单回别人的:Who did this 谁干的?Yours truly 我。I admire smart people 我佩服聪明的人 Like yours truly 像我?*写信后面的告别也用的:Yours truly, Kevin(其他告别类 Sincerely, Best regards, Thanks)

    【喜欢早起的人】Someone who likes to wake up early? 太长了吧!"Morning person" 很地道非常实用的一个口语说法。I'm not a morning person 我不是个(喜欢)早起的人。She smiles when she wakes up at 6 am everyday, she's really a morning person。I'm SO not a morning person...

    【原来如此】美语有几种说法。比较合适的:"I see" (不是 我看到了)或 "So it is / so it's true",用法跟中文一样。A: She is married B: So it is。A: I like pizza B: So it's true, American's like pizza。A: Why is he so tired B: He's fat A: I see 他为什么那么累?他胖。原来如此。

    【要我的命】"Killing me",意思是 要命。这个口语说法跟中文的要我的命一样:Come on man, you're killing me拜托,你要我的命啊!This homework is killing me 这个工作要命。Your jokes, they're killing me 你的笑话,要命(太冷?太不好笑了?)This shit at work is killing me...

    【你死定了】You're dead 你有麻烦了!还有个说法:"Dead meat" 死肉 哈哈。You're dead meat 你完了(等我收拾你)。I'm dead meat if I don't give her money 我要是不给她钱,她会杀了我。She forgot my birthday, she's dead meat 她忘了我的生日,她死定了。Dead meat!

    【嗨,美女】在美国我们叫服务员什么的不会用“美女”,搭讪也一样。搭讪的时候叫一位陌生人美女比较不礼貌,不知道中国搭讪文化是否一样?① Hi beautiful ② Hey sexy lady ③ Hey there pretty thing ④ Hey there sweet thing ⑤ Hi pretty lady ⑥ Hey sweetheart

    【不论有什么困难】Come Hell or high water 字面理解:不管地狱或洪水。Come Hell or high water, I will make you happy 就算天崩地裂,我会让你幸福的。

    【不高兴】口语的一种说法:"Bummed" 或者 "Bummed out",I'm bummed out today 我今天不高兴。She's bummed 她不高兴。通常会加 feeling:I'm feeling bummed out. When you're feeling bummed out, eat some ice cream 当你不高兴的时候,吃点冰淇淋。Are you feeling bummed?

    【倒霉】"Bummer" 口语:令人不愉快、不满意的事物;倒霉。这个跟我昨天教的 bummed 意思差不多,用法不一样。用法通常跟我们简单的说 "真倒霉!" 一样:Bummer! 也可以加 what a 在前面,I lost my wallet, what a bummer! It was a bummer to lose my wallet 我丢钱包真扫兴 / 倒霉啊。What a bummer!

    【爱好】你们看到 "Into" something 会联想到什么?He's just not that into you?恩,有这个用法,into someone 喜欢某人。I'm into you 我喜欢你。可是我是来跟你们说可以代表爱好:I'm into guitar 吉他爱好。Into sports。A: Does she want to come? B: No, she's not into that 她没兴趣。

    【货梯】在美国怎么说?"Service elevator" 不是 cargo elevator。The service elevator is in the back 货梯在后面。You have to use the service elevator 你必须用货梯。那普通电梯怎么说?直接说 elevator。Service elevator = 货梯。记住!

    【很怒】"See red" + "Seeing red" 意思是很生气。气到看不清楚,失去控制(很怒)。I'm seeing red 我气的不行了。I see red when he talks to me 他跟我说话的时候我就怒了。Don't talk to her, she's seeing red 别跟她说话,她正气着呢。I lose control when I see red..

    【替换脏话】① Damn:"Darn / Dang"(如:I don't give a darn. Dang it) ② Shit:"Shoot"(Shoot! I forgot) ③ Hell:"Heck"(What the heck?)④ Fuck:"Freak "(这个比较少替换:What the freak! That's so freaking stupid)

    【世界末日】Are we dead? 那就学习怎么说世界末日是假的:"Doomsday" ['du:mzdei]. Doomsday = the end of the world. I guess doomsday isn't today 看来今天不是世界末日。Doomsday is fake 假的!It's all a lie 都是谎言。When is the end of the world?1 billion years later maybe.

    语】① Well received 一个字:土!Well-received 在美国,用法与“受欢迎”而不是“收到”:Your food was well-received at the party 你的食物在party很受欢迎)。改成:"Received" 或不是很正式的 "Got it" ② With many thanks 两个字:更土!!简单的 thanks 或 "I appreciate it"

    【真没劲/无聊/差劲】大家都知道 sucks 吧?如:that sucks, you suck。可以用 blows 代替 sucks,某某东西 "Blows":Life blows, Shanghai blows, KFC blows。意思跟 sucks 一样。注意:只能用复数而且不能说某人 blows,那个是完全不一样的意思,有谁知道 哈哈?再次提醒:You / I blow = 不对

    【表示省略】 1. Et cetera. 等等(拉丁语)。 2. And so on. 等等。 3. And so forth. 等等。 4. So on and so forth. 等等。 5. And stuff like that. 还有诸如此类的(事物)。 6. And sth. like that. 以及类似的一些(事物)。7. And everything like that. 以及其他所有诸如此类的(事物)
    补充水分】昨天有点中暑的感觉,让我想起 "Fluid" ['fluId] 液体。老美感冒或缺水的时候会经常说 "Drink more fluids",多喝点补充水分。Drink more water 也非常普遍,不过你会发现在美剧里老外喜欢用 fluids 因为生病时他们喜欢喝鸡汤,佳得乐等等。Drink a lot of fluids 喝很多水(液体)。

    【一些中式英语】① "Have" 想成了 “去做某件事”,而美语里用 have 的时候通常是说晚安,再见,玩的开心。Have a good night, have fun! 中式:Have a sleep 地道:Go to sleep / Get some sleep。② "Well noted with thanks" 不英国习惯这样说吗?美语里这样说很怪。地道:Got it / Noted, thanks

    【没钱了!】**上我买了一些东西变得没钱了(再买就破产了)。没钱/破产 英语口语是 "Broke"。用法很简单:I'm broke 没钱了。I can't go, I'm broke 我不能去,没钱。Her family is broke 她的家庭破产了。Business is bad, his restaurant is broke 生意不好,他的餐厅破产了。I'm a broke loser

    【月经前心情不好】"PMS" 在美剧里听过吧?是 Pre-Menstrual Syndrome。老美会拿PMS来开玩笑,形容女性火气很大很烦很搞。A: What's wrong with her 她怎么搞得?B: PMS。She's PMSing。还有一种说法:"That time of the month",that time 是指来大姨妈的时间:It's that time of the month for her

    【非常】我今天跟一位非英语母语的朋友说了一句 look real close,他没听懂。"Real" 这里是什么意思?不是 真的,是口语 very 的另一种说法。He's walking real slow 他走的非常慢。Look real close at the picture 看仔细点。可以选择强调 real:I'm REAL pissed. Leave me alone (PMS? 也许!)

    【小气鬼】口语有种说法:"Cheapskate"。为什么要叫小气的人 cheapskate?来源不是很清楚。用法跟中文的小气鬼一样:He's a cheapskate 他是个小气鬼。She won't pay, she's a big cheapskate 她不会付的,她是个小气鬼。Chip in, don't be a cheapskate 不要那么小气(chip in 还记得吧?)

    【实习】怎么说我实习了?"Internship" 实习:I have an internship 我有份实习工作了。I have a summer internship 暑假实习。怎么说我正在实习?"Interning":I am interning 我正在实习。I am interning at IBM 我在IBM实习。职位,title?Marketing intern, sales intern, admin intern, 等等。

    【我受够了】有两种比较常用的说法:"Have had it" 或 "Have had enough"(可以省略 have)。I have had it / I had enough 我受够了!造句时注意 ① have had it 跟 with ② Had enough 跟 of 造句:I have had it with your boyfriend 我受够你男友。I have had enough of your Mom 我受够你妈了。

    【花费太多】七夕快到了,让我想起这个词 "Break the bank",意思是:费用/花费太高。把这个词想成很贵,用法:It will break the bank 会很贵。Buying a house in China will break the bank 在中国买房子费用很高。Dinner won't break the bank 晚饭不会太贵。My shoes broke the bank(过去式时态)

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