• EE英语课堂❤️     微博精华(十一)

    • The Great Forest Spirit is dead now.

    • 山兽神已经死了。

    • from:《幽灵公主》

    【各种'吻' 】 1.air kiss飞吻 2.french kiss热吻 3.cheek kiss吻脸 4.hand-kissing吻手 5.hickey吻痕 6.peck轻吻 7.lock lips嘴唇紧压在一起的接吻 8.all over kiss 吻遍你的全身 9.angel kiss吻眼皮或眼睛旁边

    1.Confident自信;2. Good Sense of Humor幽默;3. Well-groomed穿着整洁;4. Independent 独立;5. Understanding 善解人意;6. Honest and Loyal诚实忠贞;7. Mature and Well-Spoken成熟稳重&谈吐得体;8. Easy Going 大方随和;9. Caring富有爱心;

    【搞砸了英语怎么说】1. screw up(I can't screw up.我不能搞砸了) 2. trip up犯错误;出差错 3. goof up出大错,把…搞乱(Don't goof up. 别出岔子) 4.blow it 搞砸(Why did you blow it?!你为什么搞砸了?) 5.mess up 一团糟 6.Play the devil with 把…搞乱 7.fuck up(粗俗语,慎用)

    【我没忍住还是。。】口语怎么说?可以用: "Caved" 或 "Caved in" (屈服)。在英语里常有类似 “我没忍住还是”的用法:I caved in and ate KFC 我忍不住还是吃了肯德基。She caved yesterday and called him 她昨天没忍住还是打给他了。Did you cave yet? Did you call him?

    【形容身材】(括号里是英语词综合的大致意思):Slim / skinny / scrawny(瘦,小,没肌肉)。 Big / buff / in shape(壮,有点肌肉,健康)。 Muscular / ripped / buff(肌肉男,猛男,健美先生)。 Fat / obese / out of shape (肥,不健康)。

    【大姨妈】除了我们经常看到的 period, aunt flo 还有 "On the rag" 说法。On the rag 这种说法一般带着 情绪极差 的意思。Period 没有带别的含义,aunt flo 是委婉的说法。Don't mind her, she's on the rag 别介意她(说的),她来那个了。I'm not feeling well, I'm on the rag

    【跟好久不见的朋友见面时说的一些短语】除了说 long time no see 然后尴尬的沉默,你可以问ta ① How have you been 你最近怎样? (Doing ok?) ② What have you been up to lately 你最近在做些什么? ③ Been busy 忙吗? (Doing what?)

    【快递派送中】第一反应是 is on the way 吗?更好的是 "Out for delivery"。在 Amazon 上跟踪你的购物时会跳出 UPS(快递公司)is out for delivery。

    【Trash多种用法】① 扔掉:I'm going to trash my phone 我要把我的手机扔掉 ② 破坏/弄脏:Don't trash my apartment 不要破坏/弄脏我的公寓 ③ 黑(trash talk):We can trash him when he's not around 他不在的时候可以黑他 ④ 喝的很醉:I am so trashed I can't even walk 我醉到走不了路。

    【I'm not even mad = 我也是醉了?】常在美国的论坛上看到。什么意思?So impressed/confused that you aren't even mad。比如说:银行排队排到200个人,应该很生气,可是你更无语/佩服有这么多人去银行。是不是有点像 我也是醉了?例子:My 30 yr old brother says he likes JB. I'm not even mad..

    【心里变态】除了用 pervert 形容一个人心里变态还可以说 "Disturbed"(注意:这个跟 disturb 打扰不一样的意思)。He's a disturbed man 他是有问题的男人(心里问题 或者 心里很变态)。She's very disturbed. Don't talk to her。同样可以说:This is disturbing 这个好变态。A disturbing image.

    【股票跌,票房不好,喝醉】都可以用一个字 "Tanked"。股票:My stocks tanked today, 票房糟糕:The movie tanked today at the box office (票房), 喝醉:I was tanked last night / I was tanked up last night 昨晚喝醉了。还可以表达 ”不受欢迎“,this Weibo of mine will tank..

    【交】① Hand In(交进去): I have to hand in my homework today 我今天要交作业 ② Hand Over(交给): Hand over your money 把钱交给我 ③ Hand Out(分发,发给): I will hand out candy to my kids 我会分发糖给我的子女 ④ Handout(名词,分发的文字资料):Read the boss's handout。

    【歇会儿】歇会儿可以用 break & rest。Break from an activity. A: 你怎么不打游戏了?B:Taking a break 歇会儿。A:你该歇会儿了:You should take a break。Rest to rest your body and mind. 你怎么不打球了?Resting. I'm resting my legs. 你该歇会儿了:You should rest.

    【健身/肌肉词】大家都知道workout可是怎么说我要练我的臀部?口语健身说法:臀部:glutes 三头肌:triceps 二头肌:biceps 四头肌(大腿):quads 腹部:abs 核心:core。上/下半身:upper body / lower body。有痒:cardio。I'm going to work my quads and core today. I'll do cardio tomorrow.

    【各种亲密关系】childhood sweetheart 青梅竹马(的人).BFF(best friends forever) / bestie 闺蜜.male bestie 男闺蜜;couple 情侣.bosom friend 知心朋友.companion 同伴.sworn brother 结拜兄弟.life partner 伴侣(常指同性伴侣).bosom friend 知心朋友. friends with benefits 炮友

    【英语口语1. No biggie(=no big deal). 没事,没啥大不了的。 2. I'm gonna throw up. 我要吐了。 3. Can we just put that behind us? 我们能不能忘掉那事(别再提那事)。 4. I got screwed by her lawyer. 我被她的律师整惨了。 5. I have feelings for her. 我对她有感觉。

    【中国成语的英文表述】一筹莫展be at one's wit's end/can find no way out; 一览无遗in full view/command a bird's eye view;一窍不通be Greek to me/be a total greenhorn; 十全十美 leave nothing to be desired/all as it should be; 十拿九稳 have...in the bag。一起来造句吧,这样印象才会深~

    【与美食有关的短语】1. soup up 加大马力; 2. a piece of cake 小菜一碟; 3. couch potato 电视迷; 4. the apple of one's eye 掌上明珠; 5. full of beans 精力旺盛,生龙活虎; 6. in a nutshell 简而言之; 7. (as) cool as a cucumber 泰然自若,极为冷静; 8.be garlic for sth 最不受欢迎的 9. know one’s onions 内行 10. gammon and spinach话说八道

    【饮料酒水词汇】饮料:coke 可乐;sprite 雪碧;orange juice 橙汁;soda 苏打水;coffee 咖啡;lemonade 柠檬水;juice 果汁;tea 茶;ginger ale 姜汁汽水;酒类:beer 啤酒;wine 葡萄酒;cider 苹果酒;whisky 威士忌;brandy 白兰地;rum 朗姆酒;champagne 香槟;cocktail 鸡尾酒;

    【有钱的程度大致排序】1. filthy sticking rich 或者 rolling in the dough (rolling in it) 超级有钱,钱多的不行;2. loaded 很富有的,high roller 富豪、土豪;3. well-off 手头宽裕,但不是很有钱,也就是fairly rich;4. live from paycheck to paycheck 月光族;5. broke 破产,身无分文

    【“stand”在口语中的词组用法】1.stand out突出/显眼/引人注目; 2.stand by准备/站在旁边; 3.stand for代表/象征; 4.stand in替身演员; 5.stand off疏远/远离/避开 ; 6.stand on基于/取决于/依靠 ; 7.stand over延期/监督; 8.stand to遵守 ; 9.stand up站起来; 10.stand up for支持/拥护/捍卫
    【汽车装备词汇】license plate number车号牌; bumper保险杠; steering wheel方向盘; side mirror后视镜; backup light/reversing light倒车灯; stoplight/stop lam

    【离婚相关的表达】separate分居; marital discord婚姻不和; domestic violence(abuse)家暴; extramarital affair婚外情; adultery通姦; divorce settlement离婚协议;

    『关于熬夜』补充:Stay up all night通宵不睡 ;sit up 熬夜 ; 例:1)Don't stay up so late, u have to go to work tomorrow.不要睡得太晚,你明天还得工作。2)We sat up all night to. surf the internet.我们一整夜都在上网. U look tired. Did u stay up late last night? 你昨天很晚才睡吗

    【open常用词组搭配】 open up打开; be open to对...开放的; break open砸开; bring out in the open揭露; in the open公开的; leave open未解决; open into通往;通向 open out 展现; 打破沉默 open the door to 给...造成机会;open upon朝向; 俯瞰;open with以...开始; open up to打开心扉

    【''音乐''词汇大全】popular music 流行音乐 ; singer 歌手; performance 演唱;melody 旋律;music album 音乐专辑;lyrics 歌词;lyricist 歌词作者;compose 作曲;composer 曲作者;songwriter 词曲作者; instrument 乐器;accompaniment 伴奏;musician 音乐人;conductor 指挥...

    【潮流英语】 淡定relax/calm down; 山寨copycat; 街拍street snap; 菜鸟newbie/rookie; 熟女cougar; 炫富flaunt wealth; 裸奔streaking; 宅假期staycation; 伪男tomboy; 娘娘腔sissy; 愤青young cynic; 水货smuggled goods; 狗仔队Paparazzi; 红灯区Red-light district

    【各种鱼】1.秋刀鱼pacific saury;2.三文鱼salmon;3.大海鲢tarpon;4.鲳鱼pomfret; 5.鲢鱼chub;6.鳗鱼eel;7.鲤鱼carp;8.鲣鱼skipjack;9.鲟鱼sturgeon;10.沙丁鱼sardine;11.金枪鱼tunny/tuna;12.剑鱼swordfish;13.旗鱼sailfish;14.鲈鱼bass;15.鲑鱼salmon;16.梭子鱼 pike

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