• EE英语课堂❤️     微博精华(十二)

    • To discover his path, a monk must leave home.

    • 为了寻找自己的道路,一个道士必须离开家。

    • from:《道士下山》

    【懒鬼】"Lazybones" 固定复数(单数不可用),名词:a lazy person。I'm such a lazybones on Monday 我到周一就变成懒鬼。Don't be such a lazybones。 Time for class, lazybones 该上课了。Wake up, you lazybones 起床,你这个懒鬼!(为什么 lazybones 让我想起老友记的 smelly cat?)

    【喜欢】"Have the hots for" 跟 crush 的意思很相近。注意:crush / have the hots for 不一定是暗恋,而且 have the hots for 更偏向性方面。I have the hots for you。Did you know Karen has the hots for Jim? He has the hots for Taylor Swift. 用法简单吧?Who do you have the hots for?

    【心灵美食】"Comfort Food” 不知道具体怎么去解释这个词, 但是 难受不高兴的时候吃的食物给出温温馨和爱的味道,就像老友记 Rachel 和 Monica 伤心时候吃冰淇淋,安慰自己。美国非常流行吃 comfort food,我相信中国也是。What's your comfort food? Hot pot? Ice cream? Chocolate? Fast food?

    【此一时 彼一时也】"That was then, this is now" 意思是 以前是那样,现在变得不像以前。这句话经常在感情上实用(如《Part of Me》)。A: I'm not in love with you anymore B: How come? A: That was then, this is now. 也可以在平凡的事上用:KFC use to be cheap! That was then, this is now.

    【流量】"Data" 套餐:Data plan 用量:Data usage。流量快用完了怎么说?"I'm running out of data"(快没了)"I'm low on data"(很少)"I'm out of data"(没了)。My data usage per month is very high. I use 5MBs of data each month. My data plan gives me a lot of data 套餐给我很多流量

    【装逼】美语slang里最接近这个词的是 "Poser": one who pretends to be someone whose not. 2. who tries to fit in with exaggeration,这个定义挺像装逼吧?Dude, you're such a poser 哥们儿,你真是装逼。Stop being such a poser 别装逼了。Quit posing(注意:别误会成摆pose的pose/posing)

    “坑爹”这个词使用范围很大versatile。不同语境翻译会不一样【全文看图】褒义:这广告太坑爹,哈哈!That TV commercial blew my mind, haha! 贬义:坑爹的,我被摆地摊的人给骗了。Darn it. I got ripped off by the street vendor. 这工作不是明摆的坑爹么?This task is a pain in the butt/ass.

    【闭嘴,小声点(礼貌用语)】在正式的场合怎么叫别人安静或者说话小声点?① 请安静 Quiet, please ② 保持安静 Keep silent ③ 请小声 Please lower your voice ④ 不要那么大声 Not so loud。⑤ 不要说话(忍住)Refrain [rɪˈfren] from speaking。其实最好的方法是: Shhh..
    不礼貌(干净版): 1. Shut your trap 2. Shut your face 3. Zip it 4. Why are you still talking? 5. Okay, now shut up(无奈的语气)

    【骂】记得上次我教大家的 scold 吗?今天解释下一种口语说法:"Chew somebody out" 用法:I will chew him out 我会骂死他。My mom chewed me out 我妈骂了我(过去时事态)。还有种过去时事态用法,"Chewed out":I got chewed out 我被骂了 I was chewed out by my boss 我被老板骂了

    【口水战】翻译为:"Verbal battle" 在媒体里经常用的一个词。一般在日常生活里不太会听到,如:John and Ron are having a verbal battle,我们会直接说 John and Ron are "fighting"(吵架,口水战)。所以记得,媒体:verbal battle 生活中:fighting。X is in a verbal battle with Y.

    【开玩笑的傻】开玩笑说别人傻 最终还是要看你跟那个人的关系,更要看你的语气。可以参考说这些:① "You're an idiot, you know that?" 你是个傻子,你知道吗?② "You cluts" 你这个二傻 ③ "You dummy" 笨蛋 ④ "You're such a knucklehead" 你这个傻瓜。

    【能力不强的人】口语有种说法:"Lightweight",有点“新手”的意思。表示不是很,能力不强的人,不牛的人。用法如:a lightweight eater / drinker / singer 或者a lightweight at / when it comes to...She's a lightweight at eating. He's a lightweight when it comes to drinking.

    【逃课 不上班】口语:"Play hooky"。注意这个用法,通常都是用进行时态 I am playing hooky 我在逃课/逃班。I am playing hooky from work(这个句型最常见)。I am playing hooky today 今天逃课/班. Don't play hooky! Go to work!

    【我在处理】"On top of it" 一切在掌控之。这个口语词组意思可以为三大意思:① 恩,在处理 ② 盯着呢 ③ 好的(我去做)。如问:Did you call yet? 答:① Yes, I'm on top of it 有,在处理中 ② Don't worry, I'm on top of it 别担心,我盯他呢 ③ Sure, I'm on top of it 好的,我去做!

    【闭嘴】嗯,嗯 都听大家说 shut up 几百遍了,可以考虑换个说法:"Can it" 闭上那个嘴巴的意思,用法跟 shut up 一模一样:Can it! (Can是罐头的意思,叫你把你要说的话放在罐头里不要说出来)。I can't hear, can it 听不到,闭嘴!

    【不能惩罚 不能超越 不能批评】 "Untouchable": ① China's princelings are untouchable(不能惩罚。那些王八蛋)② His English is untouchable(不能超越,太牛了)③ His reputation is untouchable(批评不了他的名声)。Are you untouchable?

    【非常清楚】"Crystal clear" 水晶那样清楚。A: Do you understand? B: Crystal clear。I'm crystal clear about it already 我已经很清楚了。She's crystal clear about your situation 她非常清楚你的情况。老外喜欢用减缩的 crystal 回答(不可用在别处)。A: Got it 清楚了吗?B: Crystal 非常。

    【路过 冒泡】这种网上用语能翻成 "Passing by", "Just passing by" 可是在美国不流行说。很人多跟我说是 just popping in to say hi - 这个比较像 冒泡。冒泡在美国的网语里常见到的:"Just saying hi"。"Just stopping by to say hi", "Just popping in to say hi" 都也行。图:飘过

    【关于年会】① 年会:Annual dinner [ˈænjuəl] ② 抽奖:Raffle [ˈræfəl] 或 Employee raffle 或 Lucky draw ③ 抽奖券:Raffle ticket。We will have an annual dinner with an employee raffle / a raffle / a lucky draw 我们年会会有抽奖。What's 1st prize for your company's lucky draw?

    【适度饮酒】可以说:"Drink in moderation" [mɔdəˈreɪʃɵn] 适度。这样说很正式也很成熟,比 don't drink so much 好听点(没有个酒鬼想听你叫他不要多喝),所以 in moderation。也可以说 "Drink moderately" Smoke in moderation 适度抽烟。Eat moderately。

    【关于 Choke】① 掐:He choked her to death 他掐死她了 ② 噎住:Be careful, don't choke on the food 小心不要吃饭噎住 ③ (口语)在压力下/关键时刻搞砸:Don't choke during your speech 不要搞砸你的演讲。He choked tonight and lost the basketball game。

    【尽本分工作】Pull one's weight 或 "Pull my / your weight"。在办公室或者团队里,pull your weight 意思就是做好自己该做的部分。在日常生活中是 我没偷懒,也有做/贡献:I pull my weight around the house (在家也有做某件事:打扫,等)。Pull your weight. It's ok, he's pulling his weight.

    【时尚口语】out of the blue, without any warning, by surprise; happens suddenly and you're not expecting it,中文意思是突然的,突如其来的,毫无征兆的;例如:1.My friend decided out of the blue to quit his job. 2.Then one day, completely out of the blue, I had a letter from her

    【我知道他(可是不认识)】英语怎么说?I know him? 不对,这个是 我知道他/我认识他。应该是 "I know of him/her/them/John"。A: Do you know her? B: No, but I know of her. I heard a lot about Jane 我知道她们,可是不认识。我听说过她。I know of them. I know of Maroon 5 听说过那个乐队

    【黑他】理解为 说他坏话 是吗?除了用 shit 还有什么干净的口语说法? ① "Talk smack (about someone)":Don't talk smack. Let's talk smack about Ms. Li ② "Bad-mouth (someone)". She likes to bad-mouth Monica ③ "Trash talk (someone)"。Are you trash talking your boss?

    【流行】除了说 something is in(雅安 news is so in right now),可以用 "Trending", 正在流行ING。ABC English is trending right now. 除了 ING 形式,可以用 trend(名词):The trend this week is 雅安。What's the trend today 今天流行什么(什么热门话题?)What's trending?

    【讲不过我/你】我觉得这个翻译比较flexible,有很多种说法。给你们参考两个:① You can't beat me:Stop arguing you, you can't beat me 别争了,你讲不过我。这里这样翻译是因为前面用了 argue ② I can't win:I can't win, she's too clever 我赢不了(讲不过她),她太聪明。

    【家或衣服】一个非常 slang 的词可以表达 "家" 或 "衣服",那就是 "Digs",如最常见的一种说法:Nice digs! 意思是:cool home 或 cool clothes。Want to check out my new digs 想看我新买的衣服吗?This is my digs, like it? 这是我家,喜欢吗?Wow, nice digs!
    【假冒的】上周在CNN上看到抓到卖假羊肉的新闻用了一个词,不是 fake,而是 "Bogus" [ˈboɡəs](形容词,意思一样)。Police in China have spent three months seizing bogus meat, some of it fake beef or mutton made out of fox, mink and rat。*Bogus 口语意思:不好/不公平。That's bogus!

    【衣服起球】"Pill"(名/动词):I can't remove the pills(名) from my t-shirt 我去除不掉t恤上的毛球。Your clothes will pill(动) if you wash them 洗衣服后,你的衣服会起毛。名词:I see a pill. Many pills on my shirt. 动词:Some fabrics pills more than others 有些织品起毛比较厉害

    【时尚口语】wait up (for someone), means not go to bed until someone arrives or something happens. 中文意思是不睡觉等某人到来或者等待某事发生;例如:The woman always waits up for her daughter to come home. 这个女人总是熬夜等候女儿回家。

    【关于办公室的杂货】① 扫描/Scan:Scan these forms immediately 立刻扫描这些表格 ② 归档/File(动词):I need to file this today. I need to do some filing today 我今天需要归档 ③ 复印/Photocopy 或 Xerox [ˈzɪrɑks](美国施乐公司):Photocopy / xerox my passport, 2 copies.

    【快完了】"On the ropes" 意思是 "状态很不好,很快要失败/完了/输了"。来自拳击手快要被打倒时通常靠圈绳(因为站不住了)。这叫 on the ropes. 这个习语用途常在比赛 the Bulls are on the ropes,事业 my career is on the ropes,而跟我们习惯在日常生活里说 “我要崩溃了” 不太合适。

    【不够好】不够满意的意思,"Doesn't cut it"。意思是 that isn't good enough, that won't do。Your job doesn't cut it 你的工作不够好。She doesn't cut it. 另外种形式是 "Don't cut it":You don't cut it in this industry 你在这个行业是不行的。

    【开车加速减速】① 加速:Accelerate / Speed up 或 Step on it / Punch it。Accelerate now. Step on it or we'll be late. Punch it hard 使劲踩油门!② 减速:Decelerate / Slow down / Take your foot off the pedal(油门踏板)。Decelerate! Take your foot off the pedal a bit 不要一直踩。

    【最先进】"State-of-the-art"(技术,科技,科学发展)。This car has state-of-the-art brakes 这个车有最先进的刹车。USA's technology is state-of-the-art。Many hotels now have state-of-the-art room technology 很多旅馆现在都有最先进的科技

    【忽略】美语口语 "说错了,请忽略":"Scratch That" [skrætʃ]。用法跟 ignore that: I want to eat MCDs today. Scratch that, KFC 我今天吃麦当劳。忽略我刚说的。肯德基!*这个口语词组只能请求别人忽略你说的,不能说 he wants us to scratch that*。I love him, scratch that, I loved him。

    【艰难的一阵子】"Rough patch" rough [rʌf] 粗糙的。A rough patch is a difficult time(非常差的一块地,对农耕时代这意味着艰难)。通常用:"Hit a",we hit a rough patch in our relationship 感情上碰上困难的一阵子。或:"Go through a",John and Mary are going through a rough patch.

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