• 陈NǎoSī     ?我只想唱歌给你听?3⃣️

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《完美音调》

    今天唱给你听✨Cups("when I'm gone")





    I got my ticket for the long way 'round
    Two bottle 'a whiskey for the way
    And I sure would like some sweet company
    And I'm leaving tomorrow, wha-do-ya say
    When I'm gone
    When I'm gone
    You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
    You're gonna miss me by my hair
    You're gonna miss me everywhere, oh
    You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

    I've got my ticket for the long way 'round
    The one with the prettiest of views
    It's got mountains, it's got rivers, it's got sights to give you shivers
    But it sure would be prettier with you
    When I'm gone
    When I'm gone
    You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
    You're gonna miss me by my walk
    You're gonna miss me by my talk oh
    You're gonna miss me when I'm gone

    1970-01-01   10赞       0踩       206浏览 评论(3)
女 资深龙套lv17


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