• 翼尖划天际     美剧《纸牌屋》中安德伍德的精彩台词 4

    • Oh and, CNN, thank you so much for the wall-to-wall Ebola coverage.

    • 感谢CNN全面的埃博拉报道。

    • from:《President Obama Anger Translator》


    "弱肉强食 互相利用"是《纸牌屋》里永恒的主题,这在女记者Zoe与Frank之间也自然少不了。Zoe作为《华盛顿先驱报》的记者,苦于资历浅没机会找到Frank帮忙;而老谋深算的Frank自然熟谙对媒体的利用之道——敲掉Blythe和他的教育法案,废掉Kern的国务卿提名和成功扶植心腹Durant当选国务卿,都是借助Zoe这个记者的角色和职能实现的。

    段落1:与Frank首次秘密接头 获得教育法案草稿


    Zoe: I'm so sorry. I couldn't get a cab, I had to take a train.

    Frank: Just before you left my house, think back, what were we discussing?

    Zoe: The President's legislative agenda.

    Frank: Specificly.

    Zoe: Education. Was I right?

    Frank: Do the math, Miss Barnes.

    Zoe: He needs a bill.

    Frank: Sponsored by?

    Zoe: You?

    Frank: Be smarter than that.

    Zoe: Somebody with legitimacy.

    Frank: Good. And who screams legitimacy in education?

    Zoe: Donald Blythe?

    Frank: Correct. The problem is?

    Zoe: He's an old school tax and spend liberal. Walker runs as a moderate. You think Blythe would talk to me?

    Frank: He doesn't have to.

    Zoe: Wait. We are in a very grey area ethically, legally, which I'm okay with...

    Frank: I just love this painting, don't you? We are in the same boat now, Zoe. Take care not to tip it over. I can only save one of us from drowning.

    段落2: 再次见面拿到Frank精心搜罗的"武器"


    Frank: Ms. Barnes.

    Zoe: How very deep throat of you.

    Frank: Well, I can't help you dispatch a president. How about a senator? The editorial on the Camp David Accords. "It is the opinion of this newspaper that President Carter demand Israel withdraw all its citizens from the Gaza Strip and West Bank."

    Zoe: "Which it has illegally occupied since 1967."

    Frank: "Illegally occupied." That's quite an incendiary quote, don't you think? For an administration that says that the Middle East is its top foreign policy priority...

    Zoe: Michael Kern? Did he personally write the editorial?

    Frank: He was the editor.

    Zoe: But did he write it himself? Then there's no story.

    Frank: I'm saying it's a question worth asking.

    Zoe: And if he denies involvement?

    Frank: He will. Let him. This is a man trying to be confirmed as Secretary of State. Everything is a story.

    Zoe: There's no direct link. I can't get this past Hammerchmidt.

    Frank: Remember this moment when you resisted me, when you said the words "Then there is no story." Get a good night's sleep, Ms. Barnes. You have a big day tomorrow.

    段落3: 得到消息为Durant当选国务卿舆论造势


    Frank: Kern is out.

    Zoe: They're tossing him?

    Frank: Technically, he'd withdraw himself, but yes.

    Zoe: Can I say "A source close to the White House"?

    Frank: No. You let this story play out on its own time. They'll announce in the morning.

    Zoe: I'm sorry. If not that, what story are we talking about?

    Frank: Catherine Durant. As soon as Kern withdraws, you say she'll be the replacement.

    Zoe: Is that true?

    Frank: It will be after you write it.

    Zoe: Roy Kapeniak was you.

    Frank: You might very well think that. I couldn't possibly comment.

    Zoe: You found him. You had him call me.

    Frank: Kapeniak and Kern were appetizers, Miss Barnes. Catherine Durant is the meal. Say that name: Catherine Durant. Say it over and over. Tomorrow afternoon, write it down, then watch that name come out of the mouth of the President of the United States. This is where we get to create.

    1970-01-01   19赞       0踩       2306浏览 评论(28)
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