• EE英语课堂❤️     微博精华(十四)

    • That they set a girl up for disappointment.

    • 总是让小女生们失望

    • from:《绯闻女孩 S02E08》

    【顺其自然的N种表达】Go with it 跟着感觉走1)Let it be.随他去吧。 2)Let nature take its course. 听其自然/顺其自然。 3)Keep it casual. 顺其自然。 4)What must be, must be ...

    【称赞男性的英语用词】smart-时髦 virile-有男子气概 handsome-英俊 charismatic-(领导风范)有魅力的 athletic-活跃健壮 dashing-生气勃勃 spruce-外表干净英挺 aristocratic-有皇室风范 clean-faced-五官清秀 clean-shaven-剃净胡须 majestic-宏伟 adorable-可爱 suave-(对女性)体贴温柔

    【学会用英语口语潇洒地拒绝】1、I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了!2、Get out of my face. 从我面前消失! 3、Don’t bother me. 别烦我。 4、Leave me alone. 走开。 5、Get lost。滚开! 6、Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。 7、Cut it out. 省省吧。 8、You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!

    【美国常用手势】1. OK 好的,没问题;2. Scorning / Fuck off 表示鄙视 / 滚蛋;3. Rock on 摇滚起来;4. Answer your phone/ call me 请你接电话/记得给我电话;5. You suck 你真挫/真怂;6. V sign 胜利/哦也;7. Innocent / I've no idea 无辜/一无所知;8. I don't wanna hear 我不想听

    【各种各样的人】 an Indian giver 送东西给人然后又往回要的人;dirty old man 老色鬼;weirdo怪人;cheapskate小气的人;yellow-belly/coward胆小鬼;snob 自负的人;fossil古板的人;a wet blanket 扫兴的人;bully 恃强欺弱的人;mall rat 喜欢逛购物中心的年轻人;drama queen 喜欢小题大作的人

    【安慰】1. Everything's gonna be fine/ok/all right. 一切都会好起来的。2. Don't let it get you down. It will be over soon. 别让它击垮你,事情很快会过去的。3. Pull/get yourself together.振作起来。4. Snap out of it! 重新振作起来!5. Buck up ! 振作点!6. Cheer up! 开心点!振作起来!


      1. I don't feel like doing anything.

      2. I messed up.

      3. I am not in the mood.

      4. I feel low today.

      5. I've got the blues today.

      6. My heart broke.

      7. I'm so down.

      8. I feel so upset.

    高效能人士7个习惯】1)积极主动(be proactive);2)以终为始(beging with the end in mind);3)要事第一(put first things first);4)双赢思维(think win-win);5)知彼解己(seek first to understand, then to be understood;6)统合综效(synergize);7)不断更新(sharpen the saw)。

    【都市人的八大古怪流行病】:1.The Monday Syndrome 星期一综合症;2.Prosopagnosia 脸盲症;3.Trypophobia 密集恐惧症;4.Premenstrual syndrome 经期综合症;5.Holiday syndrome 假期综合症;6.Choose disabilities 选择障碍症;7.Procrastination 拖延症;8.Bulimia nervosa易饿症。

    shower/head/花洒/头;wet your head/头弄湿;apply shampoo/抹发水;rinse and clean/清洗;wash your face/洗脸;apply soap or face wash/涂香皂/洗脸水;use soap or body wash/用香皂/沐浴露;sandals/拖鞋;dry with a towel/用浴巾擦干;drain the water/把水放掉;don't slip and fall/别滑跤#英语思维英语口语#【洗澡主题】take a bath/盆浴:fill your bathtub with cold and hot water/浴缸装满冷热水;turn on/off the tap(美国人用faucet)/开关水龙头;your body displaces water/身体会把水溢出;overflow the tub/水从浴缸溢出;take a shower/淋浴:test the temperature/测水温

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