• Serena_NANA     Serena来讲讲语法 (2)

    • Toward the end of June

    • 将近六月末

    • from:《荒野生存》

    Hello大家好 好久没发讲解了 一放假玩疯了 都没怎么玩魔方😂 没办法每天发一个语法讲解了 大家请谅解 🙈 上次发了语法的第一个讲解 给大家讲了现在进行时和一般现在时 今天来给大家讲讲一般过去时 为保证资料准确性 我会到网上多核对 大家一起学习 一起进步 加油噢😌



    一般过去时 past simple

    The simple past or past simple, is the basic form of the past tense in Modern English.Regular English verbs form the simple past in -ed; however there are a few hundred irregular verbs with different forms.

    Basic simple past:
    I/you/he/she/it/we/they worked.

    Expanded (emphatic) simple past:
    I/you/he/she/it/we/they did work.

    Question form:
    Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they work?

    I/you/he/she/it/we/they did not (didn't) work.

    Negative question:
    Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they not work? Or didn't I/you/he/she/it/we/they work?

    The simple past is used for a single event (or sequence of such events) in the past, and also for past habitual action:
    He robbed a bank and ran away.
    I looked after their granddaughter every day for a year.

    It can also refer to a past state:
    I knew how to fight even as a child.

    In some cases the simple past is used even for a temporary state:
    The dog was in its kennel.
    I felt cold.

    However, with verbs of sensing, it is common in such circumstances to use could see in place of saw, could hear in place of heard, etc.

    The simple past is used when the event is conceived as occurring at a particular time in the past, or during a period which ended in the past (i.e. a period that does not last up until the present time).
    I was born in 1995.
    When did they come home last night?

    The simple past also has some uses in which it does not refer to a past time. These are generally in condition clauses and some other dependent clauses referring to hypothetical circumstances, as well as certain expressions of wish:
    If he walked faster, he would get home earlier.
    I wish I knew what his name was.
    I would rather she wore a longer dress.

    The simple past (and other past tense forms) in indirect speech:
    He said he wanted to go on the slide.



    最后谢谢大家和我一起学习 希望我们每天都能进步一点点哦 加油加油😘 如果觉得有用请评论告诉我 我在考虑有没有继续写下去的必要 毕竟每次码这么多字还是不容易的😌

    1970-01-01   8赞       0踩       303浏览 评论(8)
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