• EE英语课堂❤️     微博精华(十八)

    • I've never enjoyed being constricted or having a set of rules to follow

    • 我从来不喜欢受限于或跟随某些特定规则

    • from:《Fashion Rules That Are Meant To Be Broken》

    【"dead"用在口语里】I'm so dead. 我这下死定了。I'm dead serious. 我可是认真的。I'm dead broke. 我是彻底没钱了。Dead on! 完全正确。Over my dead body! 除非我死,否则甭想。Knock them dead! 震了他们!You are dead meat! 你死定了。drop-dead gorgeous 惊艳。It's a dead-end. 死胡同。

    【英文如何吐槽“毫无违和感”?】(1)I smell a rat. 我觉得不对劲。(2)I feel puzzled.我茫然了。(3)I heard a weird noise. 我听见有奇怪的声音。(4)There's something fishy going on here. 这里面有些事不太对劲。

    go的口语高频用法 1.The meeting didn't go well.会议开的不顺利 2.How's it going?最近怎么样?/进展如何? 3.I'm gonna go with Plan B.我准备采取B计划 4.You wanna go out?想出去玩不 5.They've gone through a lot.他们经历了很多事儿了

    【关系怎么样】1.I don't get along well with her. 我跟她合不来。 2. She gave me the cold shoulder. 她根本不搭理我。 3. I look up to him. 我很尊敬他。 4. He is very hard on me. 他对我很严厉。 5. I owe him. 我欠他人情。 6. We're on a first name basis. 我们很熟,互相直呼其名。

    【搭车的表达】1. Can you give me a ride? 你能载我一程吗? 2. Hop in/get in ! 快上来吧。 3. You need a ride? 你需要搭便车吗? 4. Fasten your seat belt. 系好安全带。 5. Can you pop/open the trunk, please? 你能把后备箱打开吗? 6. Can you speed up/slow down?你能开快点/开慢点吗?

    【人生的十项修炼】(1)孤独 solitude(2)寂寞 loneliness(3)痛苦 pain(4)压力 pressure(5)诱惑 temptation(6)挑战 challenges(7)暗箭伤人 back-stabbing(8)丢脸 losing face(9)责任 responsibilities(10)失败 failures 人生就是一场历练,你到目前经历过多少?

    【宝宝专用】 blankey 毯子(blanket); doo-doo狗粑粑; .fall down, go boom"嘭"的一声摔倒; jammies睡衣裤(pajamas); feeties连袜裤(pajamas with feet); horsey/neigh-neigh马马; kitty-cat/meow-meow小猫咪; make a messy拉粑粑在尿布上;弄脏; make all gone吃光光; nap-nap睡觉,小睡

    【人际关系的各种英文说法】1.relative亲戚;2.couple情侣;3.buddy哥们;4.colleague同事;5.confidante闺蜜;6.schoolmate学友;7.fellow apprentice师兄弟;8.master师傅;9.mentor导师;10.intimate至交;11.sworn brother结拜兄弟;12.superior上级;13.partner搭档。

    【“味道”的表达】 taste 味道; tasty 美味的; delicious 味道好的; sweet 甜的; sour 酸的; bitter 苦的; hot 辣的; salty 咸的; spiced 加香料的; fragrant 香的; seasoned 加作料的; tasteless 无味的; flat 淡而无味; greasy 油腻的; bland 清淡的(你喜欢什么味?

    【各种红色】red 红色;pink 粉红;sorrel 红褐色;scarlet 绯红;purplish red 紫红;wine red 酒红;reddle 土红;prune 深紫红;pale red 淡红;vermilion 朱红色;rosy 玫瑰红;jacinth 橘红;blood-red 血红;strawberry red 草莓红;blushing 脸红的;crimson 腥红;coral 珊瑚红

    【各种鱼的英文词汇】鲤鱼carp;鲫鱼crucian carp;白鲢silver carp;黑鱼snakehead;带鱼hairtail;黄鱼yellow croaker;鲥鱼hilsa herring;三文鱼salmon;鳕鱼cod;金枪鱼tuna;鳟鱼trout;鲈鱼bass;秋刀鱼mackerel pike;石斑鱼grouper;鳗鱼eel;鱿鱼squid;泥鳅loach;sardine沙丁鱼

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