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    • What Robert and I had...

    • 罗伯特和我如果真能厮守...

    • from:《廊桥遗梦》

    【珠宝的英语词汇】钻戒diamond ring;水钻rhinestone;玉jade;项链necklace;吊坠pendant;耳环earring;胸针brooch;手链bracelet;手镯bangle;水晶crystal;珍珠pearl;翡翠emerald;红宝石ruby;蓝宝石sapphire;绿松石turquoise;珊瑚coral;玛瑙agate;琥珀amber;铂金platinum

    #英语思维英语口语#【给车加油主题】a gas/filling station加油站;pull up to the station把车开进加油站;a self-service/full service station自助/人工加油站;I pump the gas myself我自己加;Need to fill up/refuel my car,the tank is empty得加油了,油箱空了

    【童年娱乐】Swing 秋千;Seesaw 跷跷板;Carousel 旋转木马;Karts 卡丁车;Roller coaster 过山车;Ferris wheel 摩天轮;Arcade game 街机;Foosball 桌上足球;Billiards 台球;Air Hockey 空气曲棍球;Laser tag 激光射击游戏;Rocky wall climbing攀岩;Dodgeball 躲避球

    【各种说】You have the final say.你说了算。2.Don't you dare say that again ! 你再说一遍试试看! 3.You don't say!(惊讶)真的吗? 4. I won‘t say a word about it.我的嘴是很严的。5.You always know what to say.你嘴巴总是这么甜!6.You can say that again! 说得好!7.Good point.说的好!

    【无礼】比较常见的就是impolite或rude,表达某人做某事是无礼的it is impolite(rude)of someone to do something,某人无礼的也可以说someone has no manners,一些比较正式的用法有bad-mannered、unmannerly。失礼冒犯的是offensive,失礼不敬的是disrespectful或 impertinent ,粗野的无礼是boorish

    #口语语中的各种"长"(1)# 1. Long time no see 好久不见(已经不是Chinglish) 2. Long-sleeved 长袖的 3. Before long 很快 4. why the long face? 干嘛拉着个脸? 5.long in the tooth很老 6.take the long view 眼光放长远 7.i won't be long 我很快就好 8. A long way to go 要花很长时间

    【含糊其辞的回答】①Not exactly 不完全;②I guess so 可能是吧;③I'm not sure 我不太清楚;④Sortof 有那么点儿;⑤It's something like that 差不多吧;⑦There's no guarantee 不能保证;⑧I can't say 我说不好;⑨Half and half 一半一半;⑩It's difficult to say 怎么说呢。

    【关于婚礼的那些词】Best-man 伴郎;Bridesmaid伴娘;Groom新郎;Bride新娘;Wedding Ceremony 结婚典礼;Wedding Reception婚宴;Register Office结婚登记处;Trousseau嫁妆;Vows婚誓;Wedding Anniversary结婚周年纪念日;Marriage Certificate结婚证;Wedding March 婚礼进行曲

    1970-01-01   11赞       1踩       295浏览 评论(7)
女 影后lv57


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