• JessieXJ     IWI萌神接力《爱?的教育》31③

    • Why would've Nelson Mandela give up 26 years of his life....

    • 为什么尼尔森 曼德拉要放弃人生中26年的岁月...

    • from:《命运》

    Hello, everyone! It's Jessie*.^...I'm so happy to be here again.


    The Little Florentine Writer (3)
    And so he went on, and two months more passed, of labor by night and weakness by day, of desperate efforts on the part of the son, and of bitter reapproaches on the part of the father. But the worst of it was, that the latter grew gradually colder towards the boy, only addressed him rarely, as though he had been a recreant son, of whom there was nothing any longer to be expected, and almost avoided meeting his glance. And Giulio perceived this and suffered from it, and when his father's back was turned, he threw him a furtive kiss, stretching forth his face with a sentiment of sad and dutiful tenderness; and between sorrow and fatigue, he grew thin and pale, and he was constrained to still further neglect his studies. And he understood well that there must be an end to it someday, and every evening he said to himself, "I will not grow up tonight"; but when the clock struck twelve, at the moment when he should have vogorously reaffirmed his resolution, he felt remorse: it seemed to him, that by remaining in bed he should be failing in a duty, and robbing his father and the family of a lira.And he rose, thinking that some night his father would wake up and discover him, or that he would discover the deception by accident, by counting the wrappers twice; and then all would come to a natural end without any act of his will, which he did not feel the courage to excert. And thus he went on. But one evening at dinner his father spoke a word which was decisive so far as he was concerned. His mother looked at him, and as it seemed to her that he was more ill and weak than usual, she said to him, "Giulio, you are ill." And then, turning to his father with anxiety:"Giulio is ill. See how pale he is Giulio, my dear, how do you feel?"


    His father gave a hasty glance and said "It is his bad conscience that produces his bad health. He was not thus when he was a studious scholar and a loving son."
    "But he is ill!" exclaimed the mother.
    "I don't care anything about him any longer!" replied the father.
    This remark was like a stab in the heart to the poor boy. Ah! He cared nothing any more. His father, who once trembled at the mere sound of a cough from him! He no longer loved him; there was no longer any doubt; he was dead in his father's heart. "Ah, no! My father,"said the boy to himself, his heart oppressed with anguish, "now all is over indeed;I cannot live without your affection; I must have it all back. I will tell you all; I will only love me once more, my poor father!Oh, this time I am quite sure of my resolution!"


    佛罗伦萨的小 抄 写 员 〈3〉













    P.S 我很开心可以成为IWI大家族的一员,每天感受到你们的快乐与真诚,很温馨,很阳光,不停的传递着正能量!期待更多的人加入我们哦,耐你们,嚒嚒哒!

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