• 小玲子~     自由(值得一读)

    • No stranger would it be

    • 简直不能再诡异

    • from:《饥饿游戏3:嘲笑鸟》

    1929年8月3日,在荷兰欧门举行的世界明星社(the Order of the Star)每年一度的露营聚会上,克里希那穆提在3000名会员面前演讲,解散了奉其为首脑的世界明星社。在这场著名的演讲中,克里希那穆提说:“你们可以成立其他的组织,并寄望于别人。我不关心那些,也不想制造新的牢笼,不想为那些牢笼点缀新的装饰品。我只关心使人类绝对地、无条件地自由。”

    Freedom is pure observation without direction, without fear of punishment and reward. Freedom is without motive; freedom is not at the end of the evolution of man but lies in the first step of his existence.
    The Core of Krishnamurti's Teachings

    The first step in freedom is the last step in it. It is the first step that counts, not the last step. What you do now is far more essential than what you do at some future date.
    The Whole Movement of Life is Learning, 'Words'

    Freedom is really a state of mind in which there is no fear or compulsion, no urge to be secure.
    Think on These Things, Chapter 2

    If the end is freedom, the beginning must be free, for the end and the beginning are one. There can be self-knowledge and intelligence only when there is freedom at the very outset; and freedom is denied by the acceptance of authority.
    Education and the Significance of Life, Chapter 3

    To enquire into what is a religious mind, we must be free of our conditioning, of our Christianity, of our Buddhism, with all the propaganda of thousands of years, so that the mind is really free to observe. That is very difficult because we are afraid to be alone, to stand alone. We want security, both outwardly and inwardly.
    The Awakening of Intelligence, 'Religious Experience · Meditation'

    To discover, there must be freedom, must there not? If you are bound, weighed down, you cannot go far. How can there be freedom if there is accumulation of any kind? The man who accumulates, whether money or knowledge, can never be free.
    Commentaries on Living, 'Wisdom is not accumulation of knowledge'

    Freedom is to stand alone, unattached and unafraid.
    Meeting Life, 'Beauty is Dangerous'

    1970-01-01   3赞       0踩       77浏览 评论(2)
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