• 女麽魔     Ambitious

    • a new breeze from the south blew soft and warm.

    • 阵阵温暖的微风从南方吹来

    • from:《浓情巧克力》

    Hello,there,this is nana~from the self-study room.

    Giving you a photo I took last week during the way to library.(Yunnan)

    It has been a long time I give my address in MOFUN show,it can not be called address anyway~just some feelings to share.

    Just now I met a word "ambitious". It's the adj. of the word " ambition" it means that you have courage to do things.

    Well..I have to acknowledge that I only use the word"ambition"most of time and it would only appear on the paper.

    Why I said so is because most of Chinese is modest and shy to express the confidence that they have to deal with things happened around them.

    When I saw the adj. of it I was amazed for it seemed strange to me.Because I few use it.

    The core of what I am talking is that we have to stand forward some time to show yourself,because if you don't acknowledge that you are ambitious that maybe someday you would forget about it or you will feel strange about it.


    1970-01-01   4赞       1踩       206浏览 评论(7)
女 资深配角lv35


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