• Chloe_小魔女     小魔女?の英国文学简史?学习笔记E3

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《权力的游戏 S01E01》

    明天十一长假😄,Chloe🌸趁着今天来说说👱🏻a hero💫.为了更好的体会贝奥武甫的英雄壮举✨我试着查一下有没有关于他的电影☺☺


    Beowulf is an Old English heroic epic poem. It is not known who wrote it, but it was originally written down between the 8th and the 11th century. The poem has only one manuscript source, written about 1010. Beowulf is 3182 lines long.

    The protagonist of the poem is Beowulf. In the poem, Beowulf fights three monsters: Grendel and Grendel's mother, and later in his life an unnamed dragon.
    《贝奥武夫》(Beowulf),一译贝奥武甫,讲述了斯堪的纳维亚的英雄贝奥武夫的英勇事迹。是迄今为止发现的英国🇬🇧盎格鲁—撒克逊时期最古老、最长的一部较完整的文学作品,也是欧洲最早的方言史诗,完成于公元八世纪左右,它与法国🇫🇷的《罗兰之歌》、德国🇩🇪的《尼伯龙根之歌》并称为欧洲文学的三大英雄史诗。这部史诗的神话成分也来自斯堪的纳维亚的民间传说( 关于熊或蜜蜂·狼[ Beo‘bee/bear' + wulf‘wolf ' ] 的故事)



    Hrothgar, a Danish king, has built a big mead hall, which is called Heorot. Hrothgar and his people live a good life and celebrate in Heorot. But then they are attacked by Grendel, who comes to Heorot every night and kills some of Hrothgar's people.

    Beowulf is a warrior from Geatland (modern southern Sweden). He hears of Hrothgar's troubles with Grendel. Beowulf and his men leave Geatland to help King Hrothgar.

    Beowulf and his men stay the night in Heorot. When Grendel comes to kill them, Beowulf fights him. Beowulf tears Grendel's arm off from his body and sticks it on the wall as a trophy. Grendel runs to his home in the marshes, where he dies. Everyone is happy that Grendel is killed and celebrates.


    But the next night, Grendel's mother comes to Heorot and kills many people for revenge and grabs Grendel's arm. Beowulf then goes to the marshes where Grendel and his mother lived. Beowulf fights Grendel's mother and kills her.

    Beowulf later becomes a king. He fights a dragon that was living in a barrow. With the help of the young man Wiglaf, Beowulf kills the dragon. Beowulf is wounded in the final battle and dies.

    该诗是现存古英语文学中最古老的作品,也是欧洲最早的方言史诗。这部英格兰的古典英雄史诗从发生的历史背景、地理位置、主要人物都与英国毫不相干。诗中的主人公贝奥武夫来自瑞典🇸🇪, 完成其英雄壮举却在丹麦🇩🇰。

    全诗分为两部分: 第一部分讲述丹麦洛斯格国王( King Hrothgar) 修建的宏伟宫殿希奥罗特大殿🎉在前后十二年中被半人半魔的妖怪👿哥伦多( Grendel) 😈😈每晚骚扰,捉食洛斯格的战士。此时恰逢瑞典南部济兹( Geats) 👱🏻王子贝奥武夫率家臣来访,欲帮助洛斯格国王除害。国王当晚设宴款待,妖怪哥伦多再次出现,捉食一名济兹战士,贝奥武夫与之格斗,扭断其臂💪🏻,妖怪👺落荒而逃,因受重伤回到栖身的洞穴后死去。



    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       237浏览 评论(14)
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