• Superbowler     The Sweetest Confession Of Love

    • Just for Fun

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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    美国伊利诺伊州某音乐工作室发起一个原创歌曲比赛,他们收到一位96岁参赛老人Fred Stobaugh写给亡妻的歌曲Oh Sweet Lorraine,纪念两人一起度过的75年。工作室制作出这首歌,并录下老人第一次听到歌时的样子。歌词简单,但歌曲背后的故事感动了全美。

    Oh Sweet Lorraine


    The lyrics:
    Oh Sweet Lorraine
    I wish we could do
    The good times
    All over again

    Oh sweet Lorraine
    Life only goes around
    But never again

    Oh sweet Lorraine
    I wish we could do
    All the good times all over

    The good times
    The good times
    The good times
    All over again

    The good times
    The good times
    The good times
    All over again

    But the memories always
    Linger on
    Oh sweet Lorraine
    No I don’t wanna move on
    Oh the memories
    always linger on
    Oh sweet Lorraine
    That’s why I wrote this song

    Oh Sweet Lorraine
    I wish we could do
    The good times
    All over again

    Oh sweet Lorraine
    Life only goes around
    But never again

    Oh sweet Lorraine
    I wish we could do
    All the good times all over

    The good times
    The good times
    All the good times
    All over again

    The story of how it all begins:

    A 96-year-old Illinois man wrote a song about his wife of 75 years and when he sent the heart-wrenching ode into a singer-songwriter contest, they decided to produce it for him. When Fred Stobaugh talks about his wife Lorraine now, it's hard for him to hold back tears after the life they led together he says was 'like a dream.' After she died, he was sitting alone in the Peoria home they once shared and for the first time in his life he decided to write a song.
    'It just fit her,' Stobaugh said.

    1970-01-01   35赞       1踩       688浏览 评论(33)
女 提名影后lv50


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