• Phyllis燕砸     恐怖主义相关英文表达

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    ·恐怖主义袭击 terrorist attacks

    ·恐怖组织 terrorist group

    ·恐怖主义行为 acts of terrorism

    ·恐怖分子 terrorists

    ·极端主义者 extremists

    ·煽动暴力恐怖活动 to instigate violent terror activities

    ·人肉** human bomb

    ·劫持 kidnap/hijack

    ·残杀/屠杀 massacre

    ·恐怖性爆炸 terror bombing

    ·自杀式枪击爆炸事件 suicide bombings and shootings

    ·袭击者 assailants

    ·人质 hostages

    ·伤亡人员 casualties

    ·报复 retaliation

    ·打击恐怖主义 to combat terrorism

    ·空袭:air strike/ air raid

    ·军事打击:military strike

    ·反恐情报中心 anti-terrorism intelligence system

    ·反恐演练 anti-terrorism drill

    ·反恐合作anti-terrorism cooperation

    ·追捕恐怖分子 to hunt down terrorists

    1970-01-01   15赞       0踩       274浏览 评论(9)
女 女二号lv38


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