• Scofield2015     句式表达

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    1、You should avoid... 你应该避免…… (1)You should avoid making the same mistake next time.下次你要避免犯同样的错误。(2)You should avoid hurting her feelings.你要避免伤她的心。 2、Nobody can imagine... 没有人会想到…… (1)Nobody can imagine his becoming an actor.没有人会想到他能成为一名演员。 (2)A: Nobody can imagine her doing such an awful thing.B: I still don’t believe it. A: 没有人会想到她能做出这样可怕的事。 B: 我还是不相信。 3、I'm looking forward to... 我盼望着…… 这是学习者最容易犯错误的一个句型!往往一看到“to”就觉得后面应该是动词原形,但这里的“to”是一个介词,后面必须接动名词! (1)I'm looking forward to meeting you guys soon.我盼望着早日见到你们。 (2)A: I'm looking forward to hearing from you.B: Me too! A: 我期待着你的来信。B: 我也一样。 4、(1)婴儿一睁开眼睛就哇地一声哭了起来。As soon as the child opened its eyes, it burst out crying.(2)要不是你救,彼得就淹死了。But for your rescue, Peter should have been drowned.(3)无论如何我都要达到目的。I will attain my goal by any means.(4)他天性爱看书。He is by nature fond of reading.(5)经常碰到他,所以面熟。I know him by sight for I often see him.

    1970-01-01   11赞       0踩       322浏览 评论(11)
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