• Scofield2015     句式表达

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    1、How...! 太……了!“How” 型感叹句的一般结构是:“How +形容词+(名词/代词+be) +!后半部也可不用,只说前两个字,像“How nice!” “How beautiful!” 等等。 (1)How delicious! 多么美味啊!(2)How generous he was! 他真是太慷慨了!(3)How smart your son is! 你儿子多聪明啊! (4)How pretty you look in that blue dress! 你穿那条蓝色裙子看起来真漂亮啊! (5)A: Nobody took the garbage out of my office for the whole month I was away and there were rats in my office when I got back. B: How disgusting! A: 我一个月不在,竟然没有人把我办公室的垃圾倒掉,而等我回来时,办公室里竟然有耗子。 B: 多恶心啊! 2、(1)汗水把他后背的衣服浸透了。Sweat soaked through the back of his shirt.(2)他戒酒了。He has abstained from wine.(3)他言行不一致。His actions do not accord with his words.(4)我照他的劝告去做了。I acted on his advice.(5)这很大程度上增加了我们困难。This added considerably to our difficulties.(6)他坚持己见。He adhered to his opinion.(7)他正在受一种不治之症的折磨。He is afflicted with an incurable disease.(8)他几次三番来我家借钱。He came to my house again and again for a loan of money.(9)我出席这个会议是不自愿的。I attended the meeting against my will.(10)这张照片与原物不相符。This photograph does not agree with the original.

    1970-01-01   3赞       0踩       106浏览 评论(6)
男 魔仙lv73


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