• Scofield2015     句式表达

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    1、What...? 多么……!“what”型感叹句一般的结构是:“what +(不定冠词a/an)+形容词+名词+!”如果该名词是不可数的或者复数的,就不加不定冠词。(1)What bad news (it is)! 多不好的消息啊!(2) What a beautiful day! 多好的天气啊!(3) What a drastic change! 多么巨大的变化啊!(4)A: You know I locked my keys in the car and my little baby was trapped inside! B: What a nightmare! A: 你知道,我把钥匙锁在车里,而我的小孩被卡在里面了! B: 真是一场噩梦!(5) A: Jim and Cindy are always together and they never fight. B: What a good couple they are! A: 吉姆和辛迪总是形影不离,而且从来没吵过架。B: 多般配的一对啊! 2、(1)如果你仔细听,你就能听到远处水果小贩的叫卖声。If you listen hard, you can hear the call of fruit sellers in thedistance.(2)我小心地穿过人群。I picked my way through the crowd.(3)太阳落到山背后去了。The sun sank behind the hills.(4)我到他家只去过为数不多的几次。I visited him only a handful of times.(5)我们共一个奶妈。We fed from the same breasts.(6)为什么他们把头发留得那么长?Why they grow their hair that long?(7)大家都认为做生意不是他的天性。All think running a business isn't something in his blood.(8)父亲的运动天赋他没有继承一丁点。He didn't inherit a shred of athletic talents from his father.(9)我们足足等了一个小时。We have waited a good hour.(10)我们没日没夜连续工作了三天。We worked all day and all night for 3 straight days.

    1970-01-01   24赞       0踩       740浏览 评论(7)
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