• Scofield2015     句式表达

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    1、 Keep...保持…… 这个句型后面可接形容词,也可接介词短语,都表示“保持…….状态”。如果后面接“名词+形容词”构成复合结构,就表示“让……保持……状态”。一个特别的用法是“Keep on +动名词”,这是它表达“继续做…….”之意。 (1)Keep quiet! 安静!(2)Keep in touch! 保持联系! (3)Keep on trying! 继续努力! (4)A: Keep the door open, please! B: I can’t. There are too many mosquitoes. A: 请把门开着! B: 不行。太多蚊子了! 2、(1)他跌跌撞撞地站了起来。He staggered to his feet.(2)我劝了他几次,但他根本不听。I persuaded him several times, but he would hear nothing of it.(3)他停下来,喘了一口气。He stopped, taking a breath.(4)据我所知,这是通向学校唯一的路。To my knowledge, this is the only road to the school.(5)据说他将是我们的校长。Word has it he will be our president.(6)他身高1.74米。He stands1.74 meters tall.(7)顶起脚尖我也只够得着他的下巴。Standing on my toes, I can only come up to his chin.(8)最终,他还是屈服于命运。Eventually, he surrendered to fate.(9)对于别人的规劝他只当做耳边风。He turned a deaf ear to any suggestion.(10)他上上下下打量了我一下。He eyed me up and down.

    1970-01-01   11赞       0踩       177浏览 评论(5)
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