• Scofield2015     句式表达

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    1、Stop... 停止…… 这个句型其实是另外一种形式的否定祈使句,有时可以与“Don’t…..”句型互换,但是要注意:“Don’t……”后面是接动词原形,而“Stop…..”后面则要接动名词或名词。 (1)Stop fighting! 别吵了!(2)Stop it! You are hurting me! 别弄了,你把我搞痛啦! (3)Stop shouting !you’re giving me a headache! 别嚷了!你真让我头痛! 2、(1)他勉强向她挤出了一点笑容。He forced a smile at her.(2)难民大量涌入土耳其。Refugees flocked into Turkey.(3)他**了一个孩子来续香火。He adopted a child to continue family line.(4)如果在大街上碰到,我会认识他的。If I had bumped into him in the streets, I would have recognizedhim.(5)每天他要花很多时间来打理他的花儿。He spent a lot of time tending his flowers everyday.(6)他强忍住泪水,朝她笑了笑。Biting back his tears, he smiled at her.(7)大家只好凑合着用这间房了。We'll have to make do with this room.(8)玛丽走进来,后面跟着几个小孩子。Mary came in, tailed by several kids.(9)他把钥匙插进锁孔里。He slipped the key into the lock hole.(10)说到这里,她眼泪流了出来。With this, her tears welled up.

    1970-01-01   2赞       0踩       103浏览 评论(2)
男 魔仙lv73


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