• 南湘思     新概念二十Lesson73 The record-holder

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》


    这是单词中的知识点。课文中有一个蛮重要的句子:A quiet day's fishing,or eight hours in a cinema seeing the same film over and over again......这里的a quiet day's fishing 所用到的知识点是★动名词前如果出现定语,且是名词就用该名词所有格或名词短语本身。 did not take him into the centre of Paris as he hoped it would 中as he hoped it would 是一个方式状语从句

    附上黑子 谢谢

    1970-01-01   4赞       0踩       96浏览 评论(0)
女 资深龙套lv18


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