• Scofield2015     句式表达

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    1、(1)我们用低廉的价格买下了这辆车。We bought the car at a bargain price.(2)“为什么你们要瞒着我?”我咆哮道。"Whyyou hide it from me?" I bellowed.(3)诱人的香气从锅里传出来。An inviting smell came out of the wok.(4)我们是拜把子兄弟。We are sworn brothers.(5)一想起玛丽,汤姆的心就怦怦地乱跳起来。At the thought of Mary, Tom's heart stuttered.(6)我沉浸在甜美的幻觉中。I immersed myself in a sweet illusion.(7)他径直走开了,头都懒得抬一下。He walked away, not bothering to raise his head.(8)既然来了,就要努力工作。Now that you are here, you should work hard.(9)他脱下长衫,做了一个倒立。He slipped off his gown and made a handstand. 2、When are you going to...? 你打算什么时候……? 这是询问别人的打算的最好问法。我们还可以说:“When do you plan to….?” A: When are you going to buy a new house? B: When are you going to stop asking such personal questions? A: 你打算什么时候买房子? B: 你什么时候不再问这种私人的问题? A: When are you going to ask your boss for a raise? B: When I think the time is right. This is definitely not the right time! A: 你要等到什么时候才去要求你老板给你加工资啊? B: 在我认为时间适当的时候。现在肯定不是时候!

    1970-01-01   6赞       0踩       156浏览 评论(2)
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