• Scofield2015     句式表达

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    1、What's wrong with...? ……怎么了? What’s wrong with George W. Bush?(乔治·布什怎么了?) What’s wrong with this world?(这个世界怎么了?) What’s wrong with your phone?(你的电话怎么了?) A: What’s wrong with you?/Are you out of your mind? B: Nothing is wrong with me. What’s wrong with you? A: 你怎么回事儿?B: 我没怎么,你怎么回事儿? A: What’s wrong with this computer? B: It’s a cheap piece of junk. A: 这台电脑怎么了?B: 简直一堆垃圾。 2、(1)我爸爸做生意去了,妈妈生病了,所以就该我来做家务了。My father has gone out for business. Mymother is ill. It falls to me to do the housework.(2)我要的是家庭,而你注定是传奇。I want a family, while you set to be a legend.(3)婚外情和家暴对社会稳定形成了威胁。Extramarital affairs and family violence pose a threat to socialstability.(4)总共500学生参加了考试。500students in total sat the test.(5)她扭过头来问道,“还记得我吗?” She asked over her shoulder, "do youstill remember me ?"(6)生活欺负弱者,又有谁比孩子更弱呢?Life strikes the weak, and who is weaker than a child?(7)你最好去找他帮忙,以免事情失控。You'd better seek help from him to prevent things from getting outof hand.(8)进屋他就开始收拾起东西来。Entering the house, he started tidying up.(9)他说着说着,眼眶里就噙满了泪水。As he said it, his eyes brimmed with tears.(10)我们不要急匆匆做决定。We should not rush to a decision.

    1970-01-01   7赞       0踩       110浏览 评论(4)
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