• Scofield2015     句式表达

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    1、What else...? 还有什么……? What else can I do for you? (我还能为你做什么?) What else have you heard?(你还听到了什么?) What else do you want to know?(你还想知道什么?) 2、(1)她有能力,博览群书,但缺乏个性。She was capable and well-read, but lackedcharacter.(2)她是我的远亲。She was a distant relative of mine.(3)我一躺下就睡着了。I was fast asleep as soon as my head touchedthe pillow.(4)有时候他会勃然大怒,怒气冲冲地看着他的学生。Sometimes he would flare up, glaring at hisstudents.(5)关于环境保护的争论过了很久才平息下来。It was after a long time that the debate onenvironment protection died down.(6)他再也忍不住,大笑起来。She couldn't restrain anymore, and burst outlaughing.(7)她倒在床上,抱着枕头痛哭起来。She threw herself onto bed and cried into herpillow.(8)无论如何我都会给你打电话的。In any event I will call you.(9)我们绝不投降。In no sense would we surrender.(10)有时候他看起来有点郁闷,一个人陷入沉思很久很久。Sometimes he seemed gloomy, sunk inmeditation for a long time.(11)一队骆驼突然大叫起来,把我们吓了一跳。We are startled when a string of camelssuddenly bellowed.(12)他总是斥责工人,挑他们工作的错。He never failed to scold the workmen and findfault with their work.(13)他抽着烟,凝视着远方。He smoked, gazing into the distance.(14)原来这个新来的人是他的叔叔。It turned out that the newcomer was hisuncle.(15)她尖叫着冲进黑夜之中。She screamed into dark night.(16)寒夜里,二个小女孩肩并肩坐着,紧紧地挤在一起取暖。In the cold night, 2 girls sat side by side,pressed close together for warm.(17)稻草塞进炉子里,火就燃了起来。When you stuffed the straw into stove, itblazed up.(18)工程正在全力进行之中。The project is in full swing.(19)两个棚子长达几百米,一个是芦苇做的,一个是干草做的。The 2 sheds stretched hundreds of meterslong, one of reeds and the other of straw.(20)"我不是故意的,"她抽泣道,吓得半死。"I didn't do it on purpose," shesobbed, half dead with fear.

    1970-01-01   6赞       0踩       120浏览 评论(4)
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