• AlanShawn     A Glimpse of the Hearthstone Inn

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》








    Have you got anything? Here is the text:

    Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is a popular online card game produced by Blizzard Entertainment, there are 40 million players by November 2015, all enjoying the fun and the amazement that the game constantly brings. I warmly welcome you to the Hearthstone Inn and let’s set sail for a brand new journey.

    First of all, let’s take a look at who you are: Jaina Proudmoore, she is a powerful mage, and a beautiful girl. Actually, she is the most powerful human mage alive. Jaina is going to be your hero for the time being.

    Now you enter the battlefield! The first enemy you face is Hogger! Check out the number at the bottom-right of your hero, it’s your health. If your health is below zero, you lose the game. Now Hogger has 10 health, and you have 27, quite an advantage isn’t it? The split line in the middle of the battlefield distinguishes yours and Hogger’s territory, now Hogger has 1 ‘thing’ in it, it’s called a minion. The game takes turns, it’s your turn now. When you press the ‘end turn’ key at the center-right, your turn would be finished, and then it would be Hogger operating, at the start of each of your turn, you will draw a card.

    In the previous picture, you may have noticed the red arrow pointing to a card you have in hand. Looking closely, it’s like this. The name of this card is Murloc Raider. The word at the very bottom of the card suggests it’s a minion, you may put it on your battlefield, this process is usually called summoning, that is to say, you can summon this minion on your battlefield. Let’s focus on the attack and health of minions. You see minions are supposed to crush on something. When it crushes on another minion, it will deal the damage equivalent to its attack to that minion, and if the other minion’s health is below zero, it will be destroyed. At the same time, your minion receive the damage equivalent to the other minion’s attack, which means if your minion attacks Hogger’s, they will both die. Your minion may also crush on Hogger himself, dealing damage to him directly, this process is usually called hitting the face.

    Most of the time, when you summon a minion, they can not attack immediately, that’s because it’s still sleeping. Your minions need to wait for one turn to attack, which means they can only attack after you let Hogger play once.

    After several turns, you will draw a ‘Fireball’, it’s not a minion but a spell. You can’t put it on your battlefield but it will function immediately. You see,the key essence of Hearthstone is the balance between crushing your opponent’s minions and hitting his face. Whereas the giant health difference between you and Hogger, you only need to hit his face and it will bring you an easy victory.

    1970-01-01   5赞       0踩       362浏览 评论(1)
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