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    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    下面是段子里字幕空缺处的字幕及其意义、用法。19s, 22s为空缺字幕在段子中的位置(精确到秒s)。要学就学个透彻是不😍😉~

    14s: You've got wish lists; Santa's lists; and of course, a blizzard of year-in-review lists. So I decided to get in on the action.
    19s a blizzard of year-in review lists
    blizzard:You can refer to a large number of things that you do not like or which annoy you as a blizzard of those things. (WRITTEN) (事物的) 突发; 蜂拥而至,纷至沓来[of] (Collins)
    a blizzard of gifts 蜂拥而至 [纷至沓来] 的礼物
    例句:Retailers were hit with a blizzard of new products and brands in all shapes, sizes and colours.
    22 get in on the action
    get in on
    If you get in on something that other people are already involved in, you take part in it. (INFORMAL) 参加,加入 (Collins)
    Now baseball is trying to get in on the European market.

    25s:But in the spirit of 2015 retiree David Letterman, here – in no particular order – are my top 10 things that happened in 2015 that should make every American optimistic about 2016. 但本着退休的大卫·莱特曼的娱乐精神,我在此列出 2015年对我而言的十件大事,排名不分先后,与大家共享,共同展望2016年的美好明天。
    32 retiree
    A retiree is a retired person. 退休者
    34 in no particular order
    in order:having sth. neatly arranged 整理好;井然有序;保持整洁 ( 21世纪英汉汉英双向词典)
    例句:The books are kept in alphabetical order.这些书是以字母顺序放好的。

    49s:In all, they’ve added 13.7 million new jobs over a 69-month streak of job growth.
    55s:streak of job growth
    streak: (esp in gambling) period of continuous success or failure (尤指赌博)连赢或连输的一段时间 (牛津高阶)
    例句: a streak of good luck 一阵子好运气

    1'5: More Americans are getting health coverage. The rate of the uninsured in America dropped below 10 percent for the first time ever. 有医疗保险保障的美国人越来越多。美国人的未参保率首次下降到10%以内。
    1'6 health coverage 医疗保险保障
    coverage:something that covers: as a : inclusion within the scope of an insurance policy or protective plan : INSURANCE ‘保险’保险范围 (韦氏)
    1'9 uninsured ( prefix前缀 un- + insured)
    insured:The insured is the person who is insured by a particular policy. (LEGAL) 加入保险的 The insured 被保险人 The uninsured 未入保人( Collins)
    1'11dropped below 下降到……以下
    1'13: In all, 17.6 million people and climbing have gained coverage as the Affordable Care Act has taken effect. And don’t forget, you can still sign up through January 31st at HealthCare.gov.
    有1760万人获得医保保障,而且人数还在增加。 请大家别忘了,1月31日以前,你都可以登录网站HealthCare.gov,注册登记。
    1'17 and climbing have gained coverage as the affordable care act has taken effect.
    climbing:此处climing做名词 rock climbing 攀岩 social climbing 社会地位提高
    1'23through Jan 31st
    ( US) up to and including; until 一直到并包括; 直至: stay in London Tuesday through Friday 从星期二到星期五一直呆在伦敦. (牛津高阶)

    1'30: Last week, in Paris, nearly 200 countries came together to set the course for a low-carbon future. 上周,在巴黎,将近200多个国家共聚一堂,共同描绘未来的低碳蓝图。
    1'35 set the course for
    course:direction or route followed by a ship or an aircraft or by a river, boundary line, etc (船只或飞行器的)航向, 航线; (河流﹑ 界线等的)走向, 所经之路 (牛津高阶)
    例句: The captain set a course for (ie towards) New York. 船长定好航向驶向纽约.

    1'49 turn the page on an outdated half-century old policy 翻开了半个多世纪来(对古巴)过时陈旧政策的新篇章。
    page:episode or period of history that might be written about in a book 可写入书中的历史事件或时期: a glorious page of English history 英国历史上光荣的一页.

    2’ build greater ties 建立更紧密的联系

    2'9 forging a strong deal 达成一项严格的协议
    forge: (fig 比喻) create (usu a lasting relationship) by means of much hard work (靠艰苦工作)建立(通常为长期关系): forge a bond, a link, an alliance, etc 建立同盟﹑ 联系﹑ 联盟等 (牛津高阶)

    2'13: In fact, Iran has already dismantled thousands of centrifuges that enrich uranium. 实际上,伊朗已经拆除了数千台用于铀浓缩的离心机。
    2'14 dismantled: take (sth) to pieces 将(某物)拆开; 拆除(某物): dismantle a faulty motor, machine, etc (for repairs) 把有毛病的发动机﹑ 机器等拆开(以便修理) (牛津高阶)
    2'17 centrifuge 离心机; 离心分离机
    2'18that enrich uranium
    enrich: To enrich a nuclear fuel such as uranium means to increase the number of atoms of a particular kind in it, so that it can be used to produce more energy or a greater explosion. (TECHNICAL) ( Collins)浓缩铀

    2'21 standing

    2'23: Even as we continue to grieve over the attack in San Bernardino, we’re leading a global coalition and hitting ISIL harder than ever. 尽管我们依然为圣贝纳迪诺的袭击惨剧伤心不已,但我们正在领导全球联盟共同打击ISIL。
    2'22grieve over
    grieve: (a) [I, Ipr] ~ (for sb); ~ (over/about sb/sth) feel a deep sorrow because of loss (因失去而)感到悲痛: grieve over the death of sb 为某人之死而悲哀. (牛津高阶)
    2'25 San Bernardino 圣贝纳迪诺
    2'28 leading a global coalition hitting
    coalition:[CGp] temporary alliance between political parties, usu in order to form a government 政党间的暂时联合(通常为成立联合政府的): form a coalition 结成同盟 (牛津高阶)
    2'33Syria 叙利亚

    2'47: The Trans-Pacific Partnership is the strongest, most pro-worker, pro-environment trade agreement in our history. 《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》是有史以来最强大,最有利于工人,最有利于环境的贸易协定。
    2'50 the Trans-Pacific Partnership 《跨太平洋伙伴关系协定》
    2'51 most pro-worker, pro-environment 最有利于工人,最有利于环境
    pro- pref 前缀
    (with ns and adjs 与名词和形容词连用) in favour of; supporting 亲; 支持: pro-abortion * pro-American. Cf 参看 anti-. (牛津高阶)

    2'56 And it means that America, not China, not anyone else, will write the rules of the global economy for the century ahead. 这也意味着,将由美国,而不是中国或其他国家,制定未来全球经济发展的新规则。(看到这句话,大家是什么感想?)

    3'4 A pair of Chrismas miracles in Washington 圣诞节华盛顿双喜临门

    3'9 bipartisan 两党的; 代表两党的 (pref bi-<两> +part(i) + san)

    3'13: and takes the threat of shutdowns and manufactured crises off the table for 2016. 消除了2016年政府关门的威胁以及制造业面临的危机。
    3'15 takes the threat of shutdowns... off the table
    If sth is "off the table", there will be no more discussions about it. (Urban Dictionary)

    3'53 rolling up their sleeves 挽起袖子努力工作

    4'16 That's why it's been a good year. And that's why I'm confident. We'll keep achieving big things in the new year. So happy holidays everybody. 正因如此,今年是美好的一年。正因如此,我信心满满,新的一年我们定将取得更大的成就。祝大家节日快乐!


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