• -Dex-     Why do we fight among ourselves?

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Why do we fight among ourselves?


    There is a way of living without struggle. It is like the lily, like the flower that grows; it does not struggle, it is. The being of anything is the goodness of it. But we are not educated for that at all. We are educated to compete, to fight, to be soldiers, lawyers, policemen, professors, principals, business men, all wanting to ride on top. We all want success. There are many who have the outward pretensions of humility, but only those are happy who are really humble inwardly, and it is they who do not fight.


    ——Think on These Things, Chapter 24


    1970-01-01   30赞       2踩       440浏览 评论(49)
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