• Zara·Zachrisson     Like sunday like rain----一个少年和一个女孩互相找寻自我的故事

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》

    Surrounded by wealth and living with abundant resources in Manhattan 12-year-old cello prodigy Reggie lives a solitary life. Estranged from family having slacker boyfriend troubles and fired from her waitressing job 23-year-old sometimes musician Eleanor needs a new place to live and a new job. Fate winds her lovely fingers around these two lives to unexpectedly place the inexperienced Eleanor as the new au pair for a skeptical Reggie and the music in their hearts and souls intertwines to create this beautiful story about discovery and acceptance



    这一张是他们一起在画廊欣赏画作的图片,Reggie 给她讲述了这一幅画的来源.


    R:Do you think you will ever get married have kids?
    E:So many questions.
    R:Sorry just curious.
    E:I don't think so.I don't think that stuff is all cracked up to be.I never think that will work.
    R:I would disagree.
    E:It's all sentimental.
    R:It does work.If you belong together with someone then it works.trouble is finding someone you belong with you.Do you think you will ever see him again?
    E:No someone doesn't treat you the way you deserve then they don't deserve to have you.My dad always told that.
    R:Will I?
    E:Will you what?
    R:See you.
    E:I'm right here.

    R:It's been really nice getting to know you.
    E:You too.
    R:It's hard to believe it's only been a couple of months.I feel like I've known you...I have all these words, these things...things I feel I need to say to you, only now.Something I don't know the capacity to speak.
    E:I couldn't stay forever, you know.There's only supposed to be a temporary thing.
    R:It's okay.
    E:Be a good boy.


    最后在此献上本片主题曲Like sunday like rain,也谨以此片纪念一下我的那一段小确幸的日子.


    1970-01-01   31赞       0踩       2493浏览 评论(21)
女 资深龙套lv18


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