• AlanShawn     跟着皮特学南部口音

    • Just for Fun

    • 片段讲解秀

    • from:《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》



    Appendix: Draft
    ‘Inglourious Basterds’ is a film directed by Quentin Tarantino. Quentin is my favorite director, he has made many classical films, such as ‘Pulp Fiction’, ‘Kill Bill’, ‘Django Unchained’ and so on. He is a genius. Because first of all, Quentin writes and directs most his films at the same time. That is to say his films are literally one of a kind, they are filled with Quentin style. No need to even mention his infamous unlinear story telling, curse, gore, flashback, and redundant feet features due to his foot fetish. He usually cooperates with a couple of talented actors that I like, such as Uma Thurman, Tim Roth and Christoph Waltz. In this film, Christoph spoke four languages, which were German, French, English and Italian. To be honest I was stunned by his acting and language skills when first I saw this film. In this film, Quentin used his imagination to recreate another end to World War II. The ally won, of course, but it was in a rather hilarious and ridiculous way. Brad Pitt acted as American Lieutenant Aldo Raine, who came from Maynardville, Tennessee. He was absolutely ruthless to German soldiers. One of his hobbies was to harvest their scalps, wow that is creepy. Brad spoke a funny Maynardville accent. Although he doesn’t even come from Tennessee, he did a really good job at imitating it. So today, let’s check out how he was doing. By the way, I strongly recommend you to watch this film, and watch more of Quentin’s films, they are definitely fun to watch.

    1970-01-01   30赞       4踩       1467浏览 评论(9)
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